Research interests:

My research concerns the acquisition and measurement of programming skills. I am also interested in research on programming knowledge, abilities and expertise in general.



PhD Thesis

Bergersen, G. R. (2015). Measuring programming skill — Construction and validation of an instrument for evaluating Java developers (Doctoral dissertation). University of Oslo, Norway. Retrieved from


Bergersen, G. R., & Sjøberg, D. I. K. The effect of skill on the benefit of software development technologies. Submitted to journal.

Lindsjørn, Y., Sjøberg, D. I. K., Dingsøyr, T., Bergersen, G. R., & Dybå, T. (2016). Teamwork quality and project success in software development: A survey of agile development teams. Journal of Systems and Software 122, 274–286. doi:10.1016/j.jss.2016.09.028.

Bergersen, G. R., Sjøberg, D. I. K., & Dybå, T. (2014). Construction and validation of an instrument for measuring programming skill. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 40(12), 1163–1184. doi:10.1109/TSE.2014.2348997.

Bergersen, G. R., & Gustafsson, J.-E. (2011). Programming skill, knowledge and working memory among professional software developers from an investment theory perspective. Journal of Individual Differences 32(4), 201–209. doi:10.1027/1614-0001/a000052.

Book chapters:

Sjøberg, D. I. K., Bergersen, G. R., & Dybå, T. (2016). Why theory matters. In L. Williams, T. Menzies & T. Zimmermann, Perspectives on data science for software engineering (pp. 29–32). Amsterdam: Morgan Kaufman.

Dybå, T., Bergersen, G. R., & Sjøberg, D. I. K. (2016). Evidence-based software engineering. In L. Williams, T. Menzies & T. Zimmermann, Perspectives on data science for software engineering (pp. 149–153). Amsterdam: Morgan Kaufman.

Conference proceedings:

Lindsjørn, Y., Bergersen, G. R., Dingsøyr, T., & Sjøberg, D. I. K. Teamwork quality and team performance: Exploring differences between small and large agile projects. Submitted to conference.

Stray, V., Moe, N. B, & Bergersen, G. R. Are daily stand-up meetings valuable? A survey of developers in software teams. In: H. Baumeister, H. Lichter, M. Riebisch (eds.), Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming. XP 2017. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 283, (pp. 274–281). Springer, Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-57633-6_20.

Bergersen, G. R., & Sjøberg, D. I. K. (2012). Evaluating methods and technologies in software engineering with respect to developer's skill level. In Proceedings of 16th International Symposium on Evaluation & Assessment in Software Engineering. EASE 2012. (pp. 101–110). Ciudad Real, Spain: IET. doi:10.1049/ic.2012.0013.

Bergersen, G. R., Hannay, J. E., Sjøberg, D. I. K., Dybå, T., & Karahasanovic, A. (2011). Inferring skill from tests of programming performance: Combining quality and time. In Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement. ESEM 2011. (pp. 305–314). Banff, Canada: IEEE Computer Society. doi:10.1109/ESEM.2011.39.

Bergersen. G. R. (2010). Combining time and correctness in the scoring of performance on items. In T. Nielsen, S. Kreiner, and J. Brodersen (Eds.) Proceedings of Probabilistic models for measurement in education, psychology, social science and health. Copenhagen, Denmark: Copenhagen Business School and the University of Copenhagen.

Bergersen, G. R., & Hannay, J. E. (2010). Detecting learning and fatigue effects by inspection of person-item residuals. In T. Nielsen, S. Kreiner, and J. Brodersen (Eds.) Probabilistic models for measurement in education, psychology, social science and health. Copenhagen, Denmark: Copenhagen Business School and the University of Copenhagen.

In the media:

Mange programmerere misliker tavleintervjuer. Men fungerer de? (March 16, 2017).

Ukens forsker: Tester programmerere [in Norwegian|translate to English]. (May 3, 2016).

Skiller klinten fra hveten [in Norwegian|translate to English]. (April 22, 2016).

På nattbordet: Gunnar Rye Bergersen. Dagens Næringsliv (April 7, 2016).

Ser butikk i IT-flauser [in Norwgian|translate to English]. Dagens Næringsliv (April 5, 2016).

Invited lectures and non-scientific presentations:

Why companies fail at evaluating developers. Invited presentation at Trondheim Developer Conference, Trondheim, Norway, Oct. 2016.

Configuration management: A brief introduction to some selected research and practice. Lecture at the systems development course (INF 1050), Department of Informatics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo, Norway, Apr. 2016.

Ready for the 21st century jobs? Increasing realism, relevance and rigour in the assessment of programming skills. Invited presentation at the Center for Educational Measurement (CEMO), Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo, Norway, Apr. 2016.

Data science: A subjective introduction to a large topic. Invited presentation at the Business and IT Society at Norwegian Business School BI, Oslo, Norway, Apr. 2016.

The evaluation of developers and software vendors by using realistic programming tasks: Research results [my translation]. Invited presentation at a seminar held by Hovedstadsområdets nettverk for IT-ledelse og styring, Oslo, Norway, Jan. 2015.

Programming skills matter: How increased realism is changing the way developers are being evaluated. Invited company presentation. Holmsbu, Norway, Jun. 2012.

Programming skills matter: How increased realism is changing the way developers are being evaluated. Invited company presentation. Oslo, Norway, Jan. 2012.

Acquisition and assessment of professional programming skills. Invited lecture at Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki, Finland, Nov. 2010.

Inferring programming skill from programming performance: Construction and validation of a Rasch-based assessment instrument. Invited lecture at Advanced measurement theory (UVMET4150) at Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo, Feb. 2010.

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