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  1. Boris Frankel: Beyond Labourism and Socialism: How the Australian Labor Party developed the Model of 'New Labour'
  2. Jeremy Lester: Overdosing on Nationalism: Gennadii Zyuganov and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation
  3. Fikret Adaman, Pat Devine: On the Economic Theory of Socialism
  4. Ernest Gellner: Reply to Critics
  5. Stuart Hall: Raphael Samuel: 1934-1996
  6. Sheila Rowbotham: Some Memories of Raphael
  7. Robin Blackburn: Raphael Samuel: The Politics of Thick Description
  8. Ludmila Bulavka: Nikita Mikhalkov and Burnt by the Sun: A Monarchist Film-Maker Confronts Humane Socialism
  9. David Fernbach: How to Love Nature
  10. Susan Willis: Captured by the Screen
New NLR website coming soon—click here for a preview.