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SmugMug Install Guide

Statcounter provides customisable hit counters, visitor tracking, web analytics and website stats for SmugMug.

  1. Sign up for a account at StatCounter to get your code.

    These instructions will be repeated after you've created an account and added your first project.

    Already a member?

    1. First login to your SmugMug account. Once logged in, look for the "me" icon on the right hand side of your header tool bar. If you have chosen a profile photo, that will be shown instead of the icon. In the resulting drop down menu, click on Account Settings.

      Smugmug - Easy Customizer
    2. Towards the bottom of the Account Settings page, you will find the area for entering your StatCounter Project ID and Security ID . Hit Save and you are done!

      Smugmug - Custom Footer
    Because of the way Smugmug has their site setup the counter will be invisible by default.

    These instructions have been compiled and verified: January 2014 and contributed by our member John Wilmoth.

    Get Started

    Sign up for a Statcounter account using our SmugMug installation guide.

    Try it for FREE!

    Already a Member?

    You can reinstall SmugMug on your Statcounter project.

Installation Guides A - Z

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