Free Software Foundation Europe


FSFE is hiring: Fundraising Manager

09 January 2019

We are looking for a Fundraising Manager to support our work to empower people to control technology. The person will work 35 hours per week with our team in the Berlin office, being in charge of the FSFE's individual and corporate fundraising.

The FSFE needs you to continue spreading software freedom in Europe!

05 December 2018

Since 2001 the Free Software Foundation Europe empowers software users to exert control over the technology that is so deeply involved in every aspect of our lives today. As a non-profit organisation, our work is backed by the continuous and generous contributions of our supporters. From public campaigns to policy monitoring, from removing legal barriers to helping organisations in understanding how Free Software contributes to freedom, transparency, and self-determination, our supporters have helped to finance our work.

Annual report of the Free Software Foundation Europe 2018

05 November 2018

"Software freedom in Europe" is the yearly report of the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE). In one document, it gives you a breakdown of important things the FSFE has done and achieved during the last 12 months. In the 2018 report, you will read about our electoral campaigns, our input on the European Union's copyright reform, and about our successful outreach in demanding publicly financed software be made publicly available under a Free Software licence. You will also get insights about the events we (co-)organised and about our community and groups that helped us with these achievements. Finally, we will display some numbers showing what resources we counted on, and giving an outlook for the next year.

Call for sessions at the FSFE assembly during 35C3

24 October 2018

In the context of the 35th Chaos Communication Congress happening from December 27th to 30th in Leipzig, the FSFE is happy to host an assembly again, acting as an information booth and a meeting point for our friends and all friends of Free Software. As in previous editions, we offer attention and a stage for self-organised sessions by and for our community, and this is our call for participation.

Support the FSFE

By becoming a FSFE supporter you empower our work and help to assure our financial independence.

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FOSDEM 2019, Brussels, Belgium

02 to 03 February 2019

FOSDEM, Europe's largest Free Software conference, takes place on February 2 and 3 at Campus Solbosch of Free University Brussels (ULB). Admission is free.
As usual, FSFE is present with a booth and presents latest news from its work, a wide range of information material, stickers, and postcards, and of course the latest FSFE fashion.

FSFE booth at T-Dose in Eindhoven, The Netherlands

11 May 2019

As in previous years, the FSFE will be present with a booth at T-Dose in Eindhoven, Netherlands. We look forward to interesting dicussions and chats about FSFE and Free Software.

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