Our Work

Better Business

Better Business

guiding the tech industry on how to create responsible technology

Bold Policymaking

Bold Policymaking

helping governments lead the drive for responsible technology

People Power

People Power

empowering people & public institutions to demand responsible technology


Latest Blog Posts

If care is priceless, why do we treat it as worthless?

Lydia Nicholas

👋 Goodbye 2018. Here’s to making 2019 the year Responsible Technology becomes the new normal 🎉

Hannah Kitcher

Yes To Redress!


‘Charity as a Platform’ — a prototype


Two ways we’re making tech events fairer

Hannah Kitcher
Martha Lane Fox, Chi Onwurah MP, Stefan Hunt, Azeem Azhar and Damian Collins MP spoke at Doteveryone’s event

Let’s prove tech companies wrong on regulation

Catherine Miller

Ethics won’t make software engineering better

Rachel Coldicutt

Supporting consumers to seek redress from digital harms

David Pilling, Ombudsman Services

Prototyping a ‘Citizen Research Centre’

Sarah Drummond, Snook

Knowledge ≠ understanding  –  how to be a responsible leader in a digital world

Alex Mecklenburg

Why does Doteveryone care about care?

Lydia Nicholas

The Office for Responsible Technology: Supporting people to seek redress

Jacob Ohrvik-Stott
"If we are going to make the most of it, we need to take the chance to shape the digital world before it shapes us"

Martha Lane Fox

Doteveryone's Founder and Chair