bbPress Complete

A comprehensive guide to bbPress with clear and concise instructions on expanding your WordPress site with a community forum
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bbPress Complete

Rhys Wynne

A comprehensive guide to bbPress with clear and concise instructions on expanding your WordPress site with a community forum
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Book Details

ISBN 139781782167242
Paperback122 pages

Book Description

Even with the rise of social media, forums remain a popular part of the Internet. bbPress allows you to increase interactivity with your WordPress website or blog by creating discussion forums within its confines.

bbPress Complete will show you how to create and manage a forum effectively. You will learn how to manage users, expand your forum with plugins, and integrate your forum into the rest of your site, whether it is a local community forum or a large website with thousands of visitors.

You will start off by learning the basics of bbPress and gradually acquire all the skills needed to run a successful bbPress community. You will learn how to integrate your forum effectively with the rest of your site, as well as how to manage the different kinds of users and much more. With clear, concise instructions detailing every aspect of the software, you will gain the knowledge required to extend bbPress using plugins and add bbPress to your WordPress theme. Furthermore, the real-world examples and clear instructions will give you all the tools you need to turn your blog into a successful community hub.

What You Will Learn

  • Install bbPress on a WordPress installation and troubleshoot common problems
  • Manage posts, promote popular discussions, merge similar topics, and block spam, allowing your forum to grow
  • Expand the functionality of your forum with WordPress and bbPress plugins
  • Build specific templates using the WordPress and bbPress templating system
  • Give useful information by providing a sidebar in your forum


Book Details

ISBN 139781782167242
Paperback122 pages
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