ZMag Archives

Noam Chomsky: “A Complete Disaster”

Interview on Trump and the future of U.S. politics

Jack Rasmus: Trump’s Phony Trade War

Is the Trump phony trade war really about reducing the U.S. $375 billion annual trade deficit with China? Or about U.S. bankers wanting more access and ownership of operations in China?

Bill Fletcher: Zohra Drif’s Memoir of a Woman Freedom Fighter 

In her actions as a militant, Drif casts aside the romanticization of revolution

Todd Miller: The Border Fetish, The U.S. Frontier
 as a Zone of Profit and Sacrifice

Borders have become another way of making sure that nothing gets in the way of the sanctity of business as usual in a world that desperately needs something new

Joel Chaffee: Events

A list of events, activities, books, music and more for activists

Pete Dolack: Trump Administration Takes Aim At The World

Trump trade policy is set by economic nationalists determined to deepen the dominance of U.S. corporate power at the expense of working people everywhere, U.S. working people not excepted. It is the height of naïveté to expect anything else

Jeremy Kuzmarov: Secret Teams in Another Deadly Imperial War?

Since the end of the Cold War, this undercover infrastructure has only expanded as the brutal destabilizing operations continue. Yemen is but the latest playground, with severe consequences yet again.

Tarek R. Dika: Syria and the Politics of International Law

Moral posturing by the United States and its allies fall on deaf ears in the Middle East

Sharon Kelly: Fifteen Years of Pipeline Spills

5,475 days, 527 pipeline spills: that’s the math presented in a new report from environmental groups Greenpeace USA and the Waterkeeper Alliance examining pipelines

William Boardman: The President’s Blatant Bigotry May Save DREAMERS in Federal Court

There is a hint of light at the end of the tunnel for DACA, but there may only be the Supreme Court at the end of the tunnel, a court where many parties have pleaded positions that are heartless and the court has affirmed their heartlessness

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