
Striking For The Future of Education: Interview with a Los Angeles Teacher

More than 30,000 educators in the country’s second-biggest school district of Los Angeles are poised to strike Monday, January 12 for the first time since 1989. In the aftermath of the inspiring wave of teacher strikes and actions in 2018, LA teachers are preparing to fight not just for their own jobs, but to defend a vision of democratic and equitable public education against the attack from neoliberal corporate privatizers.

E13: Women in the miners’ strike

Women in the miners’ strike.

Episode about the crucial role played by women in the great miners strike in Britain, 1984-5, in conversation with Heather Wood, chair of the Easington women’s strike support group.

E08: The Vietnam war strike wave

Memphis sanitation strike, 1968.

The first in a series of episodes we will be producing about the Vietnam war. Here we talk to historian and author of Strike! Jeremy Brecher about the strike wave which swept the United States during the Vietnam war in the 1960s and 70s.

1989-90 - Beninese campaign for economic justice and democracy

In 1989 students, teachers and civil servants in Benin began strike actions in protest at the governments freezing of scholarships and the four month delay in wage payments in 1988. The government's stalling and repression dragged the campaign on into 1990 and escalated the conflict to the point where the regime crumbled.

1918 — 1968 — 2018

As 2018 draws to a close, a twofold picture emerges. On one side, the accelerating capitalist crisis. Escalating global turmoil and imperialist manoeuvres bring untold misery to Yemen, Syria and the Ukraine. The ruling class, struggling to find a solution to the economic crisis, causes political chaos and confusion in Britain and the United States. On the other side – new mass struggles of the working class in Iran, Iraq, China, Nicaragua, Jordan and France. This happened before.

Russia: the number of strikes is growing

Whilst all bourgeois eyes are fixed on the G20 summit in Buenos Aires or the Ukraine-Russia conflict in the Sea of Azov the class war goes on around the planet. We have already published on the strikes currently convulsing Iran more than once and now we have received the following report and comment on a revival of strikes in Russia from a sympathiser there.

Holding the line: supporters picket Canada Post after back-to-work legislation

Sunrise at Edmonton picket, November 30, 2018 © Bob Barnetson

Union members and community supporters across Canada have been organizing militant and effective pickets at Canada Post facilities ever since legislation came down on Monday [November 26] making strikes by Canada Post workers themselves illegal. This report first appeared on Organizing Work.

Canada Post strike: reports from the picket lines as government orders workers back to work

A collection of reports and interviews from the Organizing Work blog, with Canadian postal workers speaking out on a struggle that's seen legislation brought in ordering them back to work.