Russian revolution

Soziale Befreiung - Writings on the Russian Revolution (1917-1921)

Soziale Befreiung
Für die revolutionäre Selbstaufhebung des Proletariats!
For the revolutionary self-abolition of the proletariat!

Schriften zur russischen Revolution (1917-1921)
Writings on the Russian Revolution (1917-1921)

Anarchist Analysis of The Russian Revolution

Deriving lessons for the modern Anarchist movement from one of the most important revolutionary events in history.

The Bolsheviks come to power - Alexander Rabinowitch

The Bolsheviks Come to Power is one of the most important histories of the Russian Revolution to challenge the mainstream narratives.

Review – Anarchist Encounters: Russia In Revolution

A must read for anyone who really wants to understand the Russian Revolution, and whose enquiring minds are not deterred by Leninist orthodoxy.

Revolutionary Bureaucracy – Solidarity

Revolutionary Bureaucracy – Solidarity

An article from Solidarity for Workers’ Power vol. 7, no. 11 on the nature of the bureaucratisation seen in the Russian Revolution.

Bogatsky, Genrikh Markovich (1889-after 1923?} aka Heinrich Bogatzki

Members of Petrograd  Military  Revolutionary Committee

A short biography of Russian anarchist Genrikh Bogatsky

Rosa Luxemburg’s The Russian Revolution - Onorato Damen

To mark the anniversary of Rosa Luxemburg's birth 147 years ago (5 March) we offer this translation of Onorato Damen's introduction to the Italian translation to her famous work on the Russian Revolution.

Bim-Bom, Bang Bang! Chekists and Clowns


A short account of the circus clown duo Bim-Bom and their encounter with the Cheka in revolutionary Russia.

Lenin orders the massacre of sex workers, 1918

Kaganovich, 1934

Lenin's letter to G. F. Fyodorov ordering "mass terror, shoot and deport the hundreds of prostitutes who are making drunkards of the soldiers, former officers and the like." in Nizhni, where the Czech white forces were amassing. Kaganovich implemented the terror although while there is some evidence of a sex industry operating in Nizhni (see comments) actual executions during the terror are estimated to be in the low hundreds and predominately men.

The February revolution, Petrograd 1917: the end of the Tsarist regime and the birth of dual power - Tsuyoshi Hasegawa

The most comprehensive book on the revolution that toppled the Tsarist monarchy and ushered in the next stage of the Russian Revolution. Hasegawa presents in detail the intense drama of the nine days of the revolution, including the workers' strike, soldiers' revolt, the scrambling of revolutionary party activists to control the revolution, and the liberals’ conspiracy to force Tsar Nicholas II to abdicate.