Hungary 56

The Hungarian Revolt of 1956 - Peter Pallai

An account of the events of the Hungarian Revolt in 1956 from one of the participants, Peter Pallai who was a student demonstrator.

A Leninist vanguard party dying in a foreign land: 1956: the fading revolution

Part of an apparently unfinished work on the "vanguard party" experience, Stan Weir writes about a weekend with Max Shachtman, as the Hungarian Revolution was happening.

Hungarian Tragedy - Peter Fryer

Book cover

A first hand account of the Hungarian Revolution and its crushing by the Soviet intervention. Peter Fryer was correspondent for the Daily Worker (Now Morning Star) a newspaper under the control of the Communist Party of Great Britain. His experiences in Hungary and the censoring of his reports led to Fryers resignation from the paper and party.

Hungary 1956: reading guide

Man spitting on decapitated head of Stalin statue, Hungary 1956.'s reading guide to the 1956 Hungarian uprising against the Communist dictatorship which saw a general strike declared and workers' councils spring up across the country.

The Hungarian workers' revolution

A pamphlet by the Syndicalist Workers' Federation on the Hungarian revolution of 1956. Originally published in '57, this is the revised second edition which includes by a preface by Terry Liddle.

United Nations report on the Hungarian uprising 1956

The United Nations logo

UN special committee report on the 1956 Hungarian uprising. Examines the revolutionary workers councils established by Hungarian workers, and analyses the dangers they posed to both the Soviet bureaucracy and capitalism.

HONGRIE 1956: «LE PROLETARIAT A L’ASSAUT DU CIEL» - Mouvement Communiste

Un orchestre de cuivres ouvrier, Budapest 1956

The original French version of the Mouvement Communiste pamphlet on Hungary 56.

Hungary ’56: “the proletariat storming heaven” - Mouvement Communiste

Mouvement Communiste’s analysis of the Hungary ’56 workers’ uprising. Stresses the importance of the collective actions taken by workers at the point of production and critically examines the demands and programmes that they put forward.