
Origins and Development of Workers Autonomy in Spain (1970-1976) – Miguel Amorós

A chronicle of the rise and fall of the fortunes of the assembly movement in Spain during the early 1970s, with brief accounts of strike movements all over Spain, the rise of assemblies as forms of autonomous organization of the struggle, and the subsequent repression and police violence, highlighting the nefarious role played by the Communist Party and its trade union front organization at a time when it seemed that Spain was on the verge of a social revolution and that only the Communist Party and its allies could effectively prevent the workers’ assemblies from associating, organizing their self-defense, and becoming a system of workers councils.

Light, water, telephone, class struggle in installments: social reproduction and labor struggles in the neighborhoods of Athens

Analysis by a participant on the struggles of the neighbourhood assemblies in Athens since 2008 in combating the immediate consequences of the crisis and economic restructuring.

Catalan manifesto for the social history of town and country - Miguel Amorós and Joan Carles Gelabertó

A succinct “Manifesto” for the purpose of rectifying public opinion concerning the libertarian history of separatist and independence movements in Northeastern Spain since the decline and fall of the Western Roman Empire, illuminating the democratic and communal roots of uprisings by peasants and town workers, and casting a different light on nationalism and separatism in the context of the history of the Iberian Peninsula, intended as an antidote to the virulent reactionary separatism that exclusively serves the interests of flag waving local oligarchies eager to sell out their countrymen to international capital and lay waste to the land of their fathers.

In Greece, as the state collapses, the neighborhoods organize - An interview with a member of the Athenian assembly movement

An interview with a participant the Greek assembly movement first published in 2013, providing details concerning the methods employed by the movement and the obstacles that it has encountered since its rise in 2008.

Mortar 2

Revolutionary Journal of Common Cause Anarchist Organization

The second volume of Mortar, Common Cause's theoretical journal, is now available online. Inside you will find an editorial introduction, along with articles covering anti-organizationalist sentiment within the North American anarchist movement, anarchism and the Welfare State, a contemporary redux of the Bourgeois Influences on Anarchism, anarchist approaches to contending with sexual assault and a critique of anti-oppression politics.

The revolution now and always - Miguel Amorós

In this new Preface to the 2014 Spanish critical edition of Manuscript Found in Vitoria, Miguel Amorós discusses the historical background of the Manuscript (first published in 1977) and two other important post-situationist texts (La sociale guerre au Portugal (1975) [The Social War in Portugal] and Précis de récuperation (1976) [Manual of Recuperation]) with particular emphasis on the roles played by Jaime Semprun, Guy Debord and several of their comrades, including other former situationists, in attempts to foment subversion in Portugal and Spain in the 1970s, and the volatile disputes typical of the Debordian milieu.

Responses to a questionnaire submitted by Txema García Crespo on behalf of El Diario - Miguel Amorós

Miguel Amorós, co-author with Jaime Semprun of Los Inconrolados: Manuscrito encontrado en Vitoria [“Los Incontrolados: Manuscript Found in Vitoria”] (first published in 1977), responds to a journalist’s questions concerning the events of the Spanish transition and their significance.

The social war in memory - Miguel Amorós

The Preface to the 1999 Spanish edition of Los Incontrolados: Manuscrito encontrado en Vitoria (“Los Incontrolados: Manuscript Found in Vitoria”), emphasizing, against the background of the tragic events of the Spanish “Transition” of the 1970s and their distortion and concealment by the mainstream media, the importance of historical memory for emancipatory change.

Student struggle and assemblies of neighbourhoods

Reflections on the Quebec student strike and neighborhood assemblies movement in 2012 by the Internationalist Communists - Klasbatalo of Montreal.