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Parsa Sanjana Sajid Dhaka

A pocket of the city, vibrant with blossoms, is the site where destiny is always taking shape, observes Parsa Sanjana Sajid.

In part two of The Big Story, Vanessa Baird explores the costs of free trade to the environment and Global South.

On the eve of yet another World Economic Forum, Zubair Sayed looks at how people are mobilizing to find solutions to social problems exacerbated by inequality.

Working on a documentary about the Moken ‘Sea Gypsies’ prompted Julian Sayarer to examine the West’s obtuse gaze and representation of indigenous people.

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December 2018, Issue 517

Big story

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Exploitation by tech firms and social media firms is not inevitable, suggests Vanessa Baird.
French law forbids food waste by supermarkets ... France has become the first country in the world to ban supermarkets from throwing ... In December a bill on the issue passed through the national assembly, having been
A Massacre in Mexico by Anabel Hernández​ Talking to North Korea by Glyn Ford Russia Without Putin by Tony Wood Crimson by Niviaq Korneliussen, translated by Anna Halagar​

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