Do what you love. Love what you do.



“When we founded NewsCred in 2008, my co-founders and I had a vision of building a company of consequence…”

Read letter from the CEO →

When we founded NewsCred in 2008, my co-founders and I had a vision of creating a company of consequence. We wanted to build category-defining products. But at the same time, we realized the company itself was a product that had to be nurtured.

We are incredibly proud of all that we have accomplished. We are the leaders in our space and we have built transformative products that help brands create exceptional content that drives business results. But more importantly, we built a company filled with incredibly talented and passionate people.

A long time ago, we looked at each other and said “Wow, I can’t believe we get paid to do this.” At that moment, we vowed that we would work relentlessly to make NewsCred a place that did not feel like a job for anyone – not for our first employees, nor for our two hundredth. We have been successful because every single person contributes to building a culture on a foundation of strong values, amazing work, and just the right amount of weirdness and fun. We think it’s incredibly important to enjoy work. We also know that nothing is more enjoyable than winning and building a real business. We also do not conflate perks with culture. We have both, but pay more attention to the latter.

We take hiring and joining the NewsCred team incredibly seriously and search endlessly for the right fit for each and every open role. It’s hard to summarize what makes for a successful fit at NewsCred in just a few words. However, we’d like to provide a bit more context and color as to how we work as a team. That’s why we’re sharing our “How we work” document.

We’ve written, debated, and edited this document as a company and it changes and evolves the same way that our company does. You can think of it as a sort of employee handbook, but hopefully within a few seconds of reading it, you’ll see that it couldn’t be further from that. This isn’t meant to be a list of rules and expectations that are so often found and ignored in companies. However, this is meant to serve as a guiding light for what we believe in, what we look for in new employees, what our values are, and how this comes to life each and every day at NewsCred.

Every NewsCred employee has open access to this document and has given feedback, made edits, and improved upon this living document. And for as long as we are in business, this document will continue to remain open-sourced and allow for all employees to contribute their ideas. It is important that we remain open and transparent about how we are growing and evolving as a company. And we hope that by sharing this with you, future NewsCred employees will see why this is a truly amazing place to work.


How we work

This document is open-sourced to all NewsCred employees to help us build a company and culture that we love. We’ve also opened up this doc for anyone in the world to view – so you all can get a sense of who we are and what we stand for.

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NewsCred is, simply, my favorite place I’ve ever worked. I genuinely enjoy coming into the office every day.


Content Strategist

We have built a culture of fun, laughter, hard work and innovation. I wake up every morning excited to go to work with some of the brightest minds in the industry.


HR Executive

NewsCred is a very unique place to work. Our vision is actually as simple as making the internet better.


Director of Customer Success

In conjunction with our volunteer opportunities, NewsCred is proud to support Teach for Bangladesh, After School Rocks, Stem Kids NYC, and Commitee to Protect Journalists via RAISEDBY.US and Bright Funds.

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