Trump offers deal to end shutdown

The president vowed to keep his immigration promises "one way or another".

Donald Trump has offered Democrats a package of measures to extend protections for refugees in exchange for his wall funding in an effort to end the 28-day government shutdown.

AFR: Hamish Douglass from Magellan Financial Group Limited. Photo by Edwina Pickles. Taken on 16th Feb 2017.

How Magellan beat the market in 2018

Amid intense scrutiny, Hamish Douglass and Magellan delivered a near double digit returns in a year when most of his rivals lost money. Here's how he did it.

O'Dwyer quits politics for family

Industrial Relations Minister Kelly O'Dwyer, one of the government's leading women, has shocked colleagues by quitting politics for family reasons.

ATO worried about $12b in SMSF loans

The Tax Office has raised the alarm over the one-third of $39 billion in property loans by self-managed super funds that are guaranteed by assets outside super, such as the family home.

Goldman Sachs has apologised for facilitating the plunder of 1MDB but flat out denies any cover-up.

Goldman Sachs, lies and 1MDB

If an Australian banker, a journalist and a conman figured out something was wrong, how come the world's most famous investment bank didn't?

Appen wants to be a tech company

Behind the success of tech company Appen is actually a 1 million strong "crowd" of remote workers. CEO Mark Brayan says it needs to invest more in AI.

Rio Tinto's iron ore shipments from the Pilbara rose 2 per cent last year.

Rio says fire won't hurt 2019 guidance

Rio Tinto said it expected iron ore production could lift as much as 4 per cent in 2019 and the effects of a recent port fire wouldn't disrupt that guidance.


The RBA has been concerned about the impact of high household debt on consumption, which is a key economic driver.

Treasury warning on loan defaults

Treasury officials have warned the federal government that Australia's high levels of household debt will become unmanageable in the event of a downturn if unemployment rises.

Aged care industry warned to cooperate

The aged care royal commissioner has warned the industry that it was illegal to take action against whistleblowers as the inquiry seeks evidence from operators, staff and patients.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison delivers a keynote address at the University of the South Pacific in Suva, Fiji, on Friday.

Pacific 'step up' hailed a success

Scott Morrison made a rare prime ministerial visit to "step up" relations with Fiji and Vanuatu in an effort to offset China's creeping influence in Australia's neighbourhood.

China offers US shopping spree

China has offered to go on a six-year buying spree to ramp up imports from the US, in a move that would reconfigure the relationship between the world's two largest economies.

Rather than opening up China, President Xi Jinping has done the very opposite over the past six years. Now the world, ...

How did we get China so wrong?

The world had Chinese leader Xi Jinping pegged as a reformer, a miscalculation that is now being addressed as Xi keeps China from opening up to the world. 

Personal Finance

Hamish Tadgell likens fly fishing to investing, in that both require constant assessment of the landscape and the ...

Don't let FOMO ruin your portfolio

Understanding valuation and the quality of what you are buying is absolutely critical - especially after a market correction in an already mature cycle.