Inside rehearsals for Melanie Lane's 'Woof': Season One 2019
Inside Rehearsals: Melanie Lane's 'Woof' for Season One 2019
Inside Rehearsals: Melanie Lane's 'Woof' for Season One 2019
Von 262 Personen empfohlen
I have always enjoyed SDC performances, however last nights offering left me cold, nay, annoyed, so ...much of the time a dancer would come on stage and walk over to the other side of the stage to get the correct spot. It was frenetic without any real beauty and nothing new. I was really disappointed (not as much as the couple behind me that walked out after 20 minutes), I really anticipated a higher standard. Better luck next time, Rafael Mehr anzeigen
Love Sydney dance company! I’m a dance teacher and it’s a great opportunity for me to participate in... classes with experienced professional teachers. I always leave feeling inspired,they offer so many genres and levels to suit all! Just a great place and Ramon does a fantastic job ensuring all classes are enjoyable and fun! Very professional. Mehr anzeigen
I always get goosebumps (in a good way) when I see a SDC performance and can highly recommend ab[int...ra], which is on now. A must see!
To be able to witness the enormous talent of our local dances, who are choreographed so beautifully by Rafael Bonachela, is truly awesome, it makes me proud to be an Australian.
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