Mark Di Stefano  Verifizierter Account


Media and Politics Reporter, BuzzFeed UK. Former Political Editor at BuzzFeed Australia. DMs open. Ask me for my WhatsApp/Signal.

London, England
Beigetreten Mai 2009


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  1. I love these types of stories where journalists give anonymity to “senior activists”... like wow, brave lads they are.

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  2. Source confirms these tweets — all staff of the media start-up walked out today.

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  3. The new UK online magazine Drug Store Culture — headed up by — looks to have lost its entire editorial team this afternoon.

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  4. vor 20 Stunden

    "Leopold, who has a checkered reporting past..." Try this, CNN: "Leopold, who... - is a Pulitzer finalist - has a stellar 13-year reporting record - was asked by CNN to provide FOIA classes to its employees - has repeatedly kicked our ass"

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  5. It turns out that Wetherspoons, the British pub chain, didn’t seek permission to reprint a Tony Abbott column recommending a ‘no deal’ Brexit in its free magazine.

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  6. No10 is also trying to convince "key influencers" in the press and on social media – who have previously been hostile to the deal – to swing behind it. Several tweeted tacit support over the weekend. No10 want to get Sun, Telegraph, Spec to change tack

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  7. 20. Jan.

    Having read this, it’s hard to escape the conclusion that whoever came up with this idea doesn’t know what the Good Friday Agreement is.

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  8. 20. Jan.

    Told following May's talks with MPs last week the No10 plan B is now to focus on finding a deal on the backstop that can unite Conservative MPs and the DUP and that the PM has made clear she is opposed to the customs union demanded by Labour

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  9. 20. Jan.

    Why does Farage repeat lies & smears about George Soros? This is a fascinating account by - whose article on Cambridge Analytica set the internet on fire - of how it was constructed for Orban by 2 US political consultants who'd worked for Netanyahu

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  10. 20. Jan.

    The other must read story: The Unbelievable Story Of The Plot Against George Soros via

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  11. 20. Jan.

    it's 2019 why is clickbait still a thing literally just say it's Gillian Anderson and this tweet could have gone viral

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  12. 20. Jan.

    BuzzFeed reporter on his story: “I have further confirmation that this is right. We are being told to stand our ground … The same sources that we used in that story are standing behind it, as are we.”

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  13. Goes without saying, if you have footage of the alleged joke about Diane Abbott DM me

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  14. 20. Jan.

    "I don't know if it happened or if it didn't happen … I have no knowledge if he spoke to him,” Rudy Giuliani says about whether Trump and Michael Cohen discussed Cohen's congressional testimony. Then Giuliani adds, "So what if he talked to him about it?" Via CNN

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  15. 20. Jan.

    Rudolph Giuliani tells that Trump may indeed have spoken to Michael Cohen about his congressional testimony beforehand. "And so what if he talked to him about it?" Denies Trump told Cohen to lie.

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  16. In the footsteps of 2018’s Fake Vicar and Corbyn’s Hat, 2019 kicks off the year with the Deliberately Muffled Mic.

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  17. Wickham launching a bomb ahead of the Sunday papers is my new favourite weekly read.

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  18. 19. Jan.
    Antwort an

    having a few after pints at Wetherspoons and poring over the stolen hard brexit content in the in-house mag is the most Broken Britain shit I can think of

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  20. (The Telegraph could have got its GOOD tech team to write this article. Ask yourself how it got to be written under *four-bylines* including the political editor, chief political correspondent and two other non-tech reporters)

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