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Sounds with this tag

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Pitch-bending a composite of string samples to emulate the sound of some high-speed machine powering down. I was playing around ...

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Classic 'pre-movie countdown' beeps sound effect.

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Cartoon style sound of throwing things, as requested by StackProne in this thread: http://www.freesound.org/forum/sample-requests/34571. Obtained processing this sound of a ...

13 more results in the same pack "Static/Pitches"
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A heavy, low pitched "thump", processed in Logic using instruments, compressors and space designer.

1 more result in the same pack "Bangs and Booms"
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A high pitch sound. This was created using a “Number 10” on a harmonica and then slightly modified. Please credit ...

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Recording of an old $10 phone ringing in the office of my friend Milan. Very short, high-pitched and kinda irritating ...

3 more results in the same pack "real?_world_recordings"
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A sound effect for when a player loses a game. It has a shaky (almost musical) tune as it swiftly ...

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A long bass drop I processed in Logic. 80Hz to 20Hz (may not be able to listen on a small ...

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a classic sound used in cartoons for a falling object. Recorded with a stereo Zoom H1 Handy Recorder.