Puesto Loco™


Military Anchor Baby - Mom never saw the irony in calling me a Son-of-a-Bitch. Truth is often crazier than fiction so who needs fake news?

Florida Central West Coast
Inscrit en juin 2010


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  1. Tweet épinglé
    29 mars 2018

    You’re naive if you think the only reason Trump dances to Putin’s flute is “kompromat”. Trump has been trying to partner with Putin since at least his tenure as Prime Minister. A 2010 example —

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  2. a retweeté
    il y a 1 minute
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    Hey Hoyer; Get in line & STFU! Pelosi to Dem caucus tonight: "Mueller report states, 'We concluded Congress has authority to prohibit a president’s corrupt use of his authority in order to protect the integrity of the administration of justice' ... Congress will not be silent."

  3. a retweeté
    il y a 19 minutes
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    Good! Time to act fast and swiftly! Mueller testifies then start the impeachment. Once impeached lock Trump up in prison where he belongs.

  4. a retweeté
    il y a 16 minutes
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    Yes Hoyer can no longer speak via constitutional amendment cc hi sir you’ve made us very angry

  5. a retweeté
    il y a 10 heures

    Conclusion of states beyond a doubt that 1- They did not make a prosecutorial judgment Meaning? It is up to Congress to decide if there was & other crimes 2- Trump was Meaning? He’s

  6. a retweeté
    il y a 33 minutes
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    It's like they want to drag it into the election...

  7. a retweeté
    il y a 37 minutes

    They're running for President against a very aggressive criminal in the white house. The Dem who will win the nom is the Dem who guts Trump like a fish.

  8. a retweeté
    il y a 40 minutes
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    The Dem who will win the nom is the Dem who guts Trump like a fish.

  9. a retweeté
    il y a 42 minutes
  10. a retweeté
    il y a 45 minutes

    Yes me too. seemed to be vague as well. That’s why I don’t get my hopes up too high. They seem to be content with the old standby line, let’s wait until the next election. Well 45 might destroy our country by then.

  11. a retweeté
    il y a 50 minutes
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    Yeah, me too. Same with Pete, but I expected better from Kamala.

  12. a retweeté
    il y a 51 minutes

    Isn’t it amazing how quickly they learn that trait, once they win their seats? Happens all the time.

  13. a retweeté
    il y a 51 minutes

    Honestly this eliminates my support of her. Any dem who isn't for impeachment isn't for America.

  14. a retweeté
    il y a 53 minutes

    THIS is what needs to stop, the gentle, tepid, noncommittal political speak. We need warriors, not reps afraid to do battle.

  15. a retweeté

    “It is also a portrait of deeply unacceptable, unethical conduct, unbefitting an American President”

  16. a retweeté
    il y a 50 minutes
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    McConnell has no role. If 50+% of the House votes to impeach, Trump is impeached. Trial for removal is in the Senate where Justice Roberts presides, House is the prosecutor & Senators are the jury.

  17. a retweeté
    il y a 3 heures
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    It is the DUTY of the House to bring articles of impeachment/indictment and send it to Senate for trial. This isn't a political choice now. It is a required DUTY for America.

  18. a retweeté
    il y a 56 minutes
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    VERY disappointed in words of trepidation tonight when asked for her position on looking at impeachment. Classic talking in circles without saying anything but vapid platitudes. As Nadler & Schiff say; Trump needs to be held accountable. She waffled.

  19. il y a 57 minutes

    VERY disappointed in words of trepidation tonight when asked for her position on looking at impeachment. Classic talking in circles without saying anything but vapid platitudes. As Nadler & Schiff say; Trump needs to be held accountable. She waffled.

  20. a retweeté
    il y a 3 heures

    BREAKING NEWS: AOC Says "Impeachment Is on Our Doorstep" She's right.

  21. a retweeté
    il y a 1 heure
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    Exactly!. How many times do you hear funny stories about crooks who leave incriminating info at the crime scene. They are ALL still arrested and prosecuted. The cops don't say "Geeze, your so dumb I'm just gonna let you go". SMH. I'm as mad at Mueller as I am at GOP & Trump


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