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Cynthia Fraase
Live near Atlanta Georgia. Love Bruce Springsteen, gardening, science. Hate Donald Trump!
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Turnip 13 Std.
REPORTER: What happens if Trump still shows up for the State of the Union on January 29th? PELOSI: Well he'd have to speak outside. It’s expected to rain that day.
Cynthia Fraase retweetete
stanley lines 10 Std.
Cynthia Fraase retweetete
South Records 21. Jan.
Bruce Springsteen’s On Broadway is out this Friday as a 4LP boxset
Cynthia Fraase retweetete
Maur Gascó 19. Jan.
Dear Brucebuds. Yesterday there was a Mass in Barcelona for We played ’s ‘Mansion On The Hill’ for him and said a prayer for our beloved friend.
Cynthia Fraase 10 Std.
Antwort an @Richard03945187
And his name is??
Cynthia Fraase retweetete
The Struts 15. Jan.
Last month in Nashville, we were incredibly honoured to be joined on stage by the one and only to perform 's . As an added bonus, we asked our lovely crowd to help film it for us - here is the end result. Enjoy x
Cynthia Fraase retweetete
TCM 22. Jan.
“Well, I have to tell you, if you ever want to have a great moment in a motion picture, walk out a door and make sure they just put up a Bruce Springsteen song.” - Tom Hanks
Cynthia Fraase retweetete
Fabrizio Cervi ♥♣  #facciamorete 18 Std.
Cynthia Fraase retweetete
PlaylistGuy 17 Std.
🎶 Do you still say your prayers little darling, do you go to bed at night Praying that tomorrow everything will be alright But tomorrow's fall in number, in number one by one You wake up and you're dying, you don't even know what from🎶 “Point Blank”, Bruce Springsteen
Cynthia Fraase retweetete
cara 16 Std.
Are you from new jersey? Well we read bruce springsteen lyrics at my grandmas funeral like a prayer so
Cynthia Fraase retweetete
HellesBruceCorner 22 Std.
Danny Federici could've turned 69 today. You're missed by many people. You'll always belong on E Street and forever in our hearts 💕 Rest In Peace!
Cynthia Fraase retweetete
Caryn Rose 18 Std.
here's Jimmy Iovine in 1979 offering his opinion as to why Bruce Springsteen hasnt had a smash hit yet:
Cynthia Fraase retweetete
muds 12 Std.
Cynthia Fraase retweetete
David Leavitt 11 Std.
who didn’t pay his employees, scams students into paying for a fake education, cheats on multiple wives, pays a porn star & threatened her family to stay silent, likes to “grab em by the pussy,” colluded with foreign powers, sells out his country
Cynthia Fraase retweetete
Brian Schatz 21 Std.
I am interested to hear how Senators who voted to keep the government open in December explain why they are now opposing the same bill, one day before federal workers miss their second paycheck.
Cynthia Fraase retweetete
Joy Reid 17 Std.
Correct. He does have that duty. But nothing in the constitution says it must be before a joint session of Congress. What Trump is demanding is his venue of choice to broadcast a prime time television address, which the speaker is not required by any law to give him.
Cynthia Fraase retweetete
Preet Bharara 19 Std.
Donald Trump complaining about the violation of a norm 😂
Cynthia Fraase retweetete
Rep. David Trone 23 Std.
33 days. That’s how long 800,000 workers have been watching hold their paychecks hostage as he tries to force U.S. taxpayers — not Mexico — to pay for his ineffective wall. This isn’t a game, Mr. President. You must re-open government now!
Cynthia Fraase retweetete
Randy #RESISTS 11 Std.
France and Germany Sign s Deal That ‘Contributes’ to ‘European Army’ to Defend Against China, Russia and.... wait for it......The United States of America.
Cynthia Fraase retweetete
Stone Cold 11 Std.
The Uninsured Rate Is The Highest It’s Been In 5 Years: The Affordable Care Act brought the share of Americans without health insurance to a historic low. Things have changed since Idiot Trump became president.
Cynthia Fraase retweetete
Joshua Holland  🔥 11 Std.
Bwahaha... “The House Financial Services Committee is now stacked with Democrats who eschew corporate donations.”
Cynthia Fraase retweetete
☇RiotWomenn☇ 17 Std.
The scene outside McConnell’s office today is reportedly having federal employees arrested who came to his office demanding that they be paid for their work Apparently, Trump is wrong about employees happily working for free for a wall
Cynthia Fraase retweetete
Malcolm Nance 15 Std.
Among others It’s Seb Gorka’s turn in the barrel. How was he teaching US special ops servicemembers w/ no real credentials, job experience & then got a top terrorism job in WH after he founded a neoNazi organization in Hungary? He was utterly unclearable but wanted a TS/SCI. Why?
Cynthia Fraase retweetete
Laurence Tribe 11 Std.
When the Air Traffic Controllers say they can’t predict the point at which the whole system will crash, it’s not a great time to fly. It’s a time to protest loudly, pressure McTurtle, and demand that Trump at least pretend to be a grownup for a change.
Cynthia Fraase retweetete
David Hogg 11 Std.
Five people where killed today in Florida and our government continues to send their thoughts and prayers.
Cynthia Fraase retweetete
Translate Trump 18 Std.
“The receptivity of the masses is very limited and their intelligence is small. All effective propaganda must be limited to a few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand.” —Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)
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Chris Hayes 12 Std.
NEWS: On my show just now, mentioned a national day of action against the shutdown on January 29th but I haven't heard an official announcement. She said and others were coordinating.
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Murphy's 2nd Law 16 Std.
Normally a President who wants this radical change to US law would whip votes. Instead Trump has taken 800,000 workers hostage as leverage.
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National Immigration Law Center 16 Std.
We took a close look at the Trump-McConnell bill and what we found is troubling and not surprising: this is an anti-immigrant wish list. Read more from , , & Patrick O’Shea →
Cynthia Fraase retweetete
Leah NO WALL, CALL NOW Greenberg 12 Std.
Reminder: the Trump immigration bill that Republicans are pushing is NOT a compromise. It's a right-wing fever dream. Senate Dems must reject this.