Richard BlumenthalAccount verificato


Official Twitter account of U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal, proudly working for the people of Connecticut.

Connecticut, USA
Iscrizione a aprile 2011


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  1. ha ritwittato
    8 ore fa

    Tomorrow is Ethan Song’s 16th birthday. stood beside Ethan's parents Mike & Kristin Song to announce his federal legislation called designed to hold accountable gun owners who don’t properly store their weapons.

  2. ha ritwittato

    "I think there is enough evidence here of potential perjury from Donald Trump Jr." to "consider criminal charges against him" if he lied to Congress to

  3. 3 ore fa

    Now unavoidably, Trump Jr must be called back to Senate Judiciary Committee in light of untruths in what he told us, exposing himself to potential perjury charges. All in the family.

  4. 5 ore fa

    Holding a second summit while denuclearization negotiations are stalled is a clear concession. Kim Jong Un stonewalling meaningful action & seeking premature sanctions relief. Trump vying for a summit reality show. A dictator wins, but global security will lose.

  5. 6 ore fa

    DOL has the power to help these employees, but they won't. That's exactly why I led the introduction of a bill with , , & to extend unemployment compensation to federal workers who are on the job without pay.

  6. 8 ore fa

    I will be taking Mr. Barr up on his offer to meet & demanding an ironclad commitment to release the Mueller report itself, not some watered down summary that he redacts & writes. The American people deserve to know the truth.

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  7. 8 ore fa

    Even by AG nominee Barr's extremely narrow definition—it would be illegal for the president to direct a witness to lie under oath—this is obstruction of justice, plain & simple.

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  8. 8 ore fa

    Sometimes the cover-up is worse than the crime: Nixon encouraged witnesses to make false statements under oath. The evidence is remarkably similar here.

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  9. 8 ore fa

    If true, this is obstruction of justice, suborning perjury, & conspiracy to lie to Congress. Individual-1 will no longer be just an unindicted co-conspirator—he will be a criminal.

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  10. Further evidence of Trump Administration’s cold, calculated planning to target & harm migrant families. The result of this plotting was family separation & other historic wrongs. All responsible must be held to account.

  11. 18 gen

    Veterans exposed to Agent Orange shouldn’t have to jump through unnecessary hoops to get proper treatment & care. & are doing right by these vets by working to remove benefit barriers & I look forward to introducing a companion bill in the Senate.

  12. 17 gen

    Abandoning NATO would be a blunder of epic & enduring proportions. It would scuttle & sabotage relationships & alliances that are essential to our national security. Very simply: Congress must prevent the president from leaving NATO.

  13. 17 gen

    Proud to continue serving on the Armed Service’s Airland, Seapower, & Cybersecurity subcommittees— & a warm welcome to my new Democratic committee colleagues , , & .

  14. 17 gen

    Reproductive health isn’t a political game for American women like it appears to be for Congressional Republicans. This vote should fail, & Republicans in Congress should get back to doing the job their constituents actually sent them here to do & open the government.

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  15. 17 gen

    Rather than working to address today’s news that an unspeakable & apparently unknown number of children were ripped from their families at the border, the purported pro-life party is focused on permanently standing between low income women & their right to access an abortion.

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  16. 17 gen

    Rather than bringing up any of the numerous House-passed bills languishing before the Senate that could end this unnecessary shutdown, we are voting on a bill to ban abortion coverage.

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  17. 17 gen

    This vote to block millions of American women from their constitutional right to access an abortion is yet another excuse for Republicans to put themselves exactly where they don’t belong—between a woman & her right to control her own reproductive decisions.

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  18. 17 gen

    Our bill makes a simple clarification to existing law—ensuring all federal employees are able to access unemployment benefits when they’re caught in the middle of a gov't shutdown. A missed paycheck is a missed paycheck, whether you are working without pay or furloughed.

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  19. 17 gen

    Federal workers on the job & unpaid deserve the same financial lifeline as furloughed workers. When I met air traffic controllers & TSA officers they told me they aren’t able to access unemployment benefits because they’re going to work. This fundamental unfairness must be fixed.

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  20. 17 gen

    As a reminder, will be in 's employee parking lot until 2:00pm today providing food to TSA employees in need of assistance.

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