

Crazy Sports Lovin' Dad

New York
Beigetreten Februar 2009


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  1. 13. Apr.
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  2. hat retweetet
    12. Apr.

    LeBron James' School Crushing Expectations, Huge Gains In Test Scores

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  3. hat retweetet
    12. Apr.
    Antwort an

    A seriously? Couldn't...you know... Out that kind of thing in the article and NOT in the tweet? Christ guys... Spoilers.

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  4. 11. Apr.

    Well played , time to step up your social media game

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  5. 10. Apr.

    How long until we hear "Jordan's GM would've never quit on the team...."

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  6. hat retweetet
    10. Apr.

    Congratulations to Katie Bouman to whom we owe the first photograph of a black hole ever. Not seeing her name circulate nearly enough in the press. Amazing work. And here’s to more women in science (getting their credit and being remembered in history) 💥🔥☄️

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  7. hat retweetet
    10. Apr.

    Putting Antonio "Clown" To Rest | Pre-Draft Visits Update | Terrible Tow... via

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  8. 10. Apr.

    Damn, much love , didn’t really appreciate u enough while you busy makin your mark

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  9. 10. Apr.

    A part of me wants this to be true, just so I can see wtf would happen now. The rumors about Kyrie and LBJ reuniting in NY write themselves.....and it’ll never happen

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  10. hat retweetet
    8. Apr.

    Today launches , so I wanted to make sure to take a moment to say thank you. Thank you to everyone who has stepped up and given their time and energy. What can one person do...they can change the world 🧡

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  11. 7. Apr.

    Let’s all remember this when and talks about how much they “LOVE AND SUPPORT THE TROOPS”

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  12. hat retweetet
    5. Apr.

    a year ago today i was in college for some shit i knew i didn’t want to do in life but today i have the biggest song in the world with billy fuckin ray cyrus. life can change quick!!! this shit really insane

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  13. 3. Apr.
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  14. 3. Apr.
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  15. hat retweetet
    3. Apr.

    Tomorrow's special for Game of Thrones trivia is "The Bolton"

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  16. hat retweetet
    2. Apr.

    Make sure you limit your video game time today, I don’t want you to become super violent. Remember, before video games war wasn’t a thing.

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  17. hat retweetet
    2. Apr.

    Tomorrow, the country of will start stoning gay people to death. We need to do something now. Please boycott these hotels owned by the Sultan of Brunei. Raise your voices now. Spread the word. Rise up.

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  18. 30. März

    Sometimes Twitter gives me a good laugh, other times I read shit like this and the sadness sticks for a bit

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  19. 29. März

    MyGM is actually a Lotte fun, but I wish I could actually get a court view while I was coaching in SIMCast. That would take this mode next level, take the VC out of it if ur worried about exploitation

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  20. 29. März

    Remember when people would just post anything on ? Funny videos, cover songs, random shit that made you laugh...like a breath of fresh air compared to all the censorship and homogenous content of regular TV? Remember those days...

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