
You blocked @LLW902

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  1. Pinned Tweet

    Best Cat Round 2.2: Second Quartile Rules: 1. Not 'prettiest cat' 2. Not 'funniest looking cat' 3. Is 'Best Cat' 4. first quintile runs through Friday April 12th 5. 19 hours remain for 1st quartile

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  2. 1 hour ago

    If you're celebrating in Charlottesville please refrain from any property destruction unless it's a Confederate monument

  3. dont brag in the group chat about not getting pimples dont brag in the group chat about not getting pimples dont brag in the gr

  4. i'm not supposed to feel bad for very rich guys. but chris davis. man

  5. 10 hours ago

    Cubs announce Facts & Logic Night

  6. ok so what star trek shit happened

  7. 12 hours ago

    Somewhere along the way Minions evolved into an avatar of our anti-social id, expressing our deep contempt of the notion that we should bend to any will but our own

  8. it was cool to see old college professors of mine today and tell them what i've been up to lately and watch them wither a little when it becomes clear i've given up on all my creative pursuits

  9. i would trade ten million years in hell for being an atheist to see the clouds part, for golden rays of divine light to illuminate a mighty heavenly trumpet descending upon us, which toots in a mighty echoing blast heard all across the world, "ERICK ERICKSON SHUT DA FUCK UP"

  10. if anyone feels like blocking and reporting people today, here's two good candidates for that.

  11. one you realize the only thing old navy sells anymore are three quarter sleeve vertical stripe tops you can't unsee it

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  13. Replying to

    I call it virtue Singalling

  14. and i dont think theres a solution to this like "just stop reacting to people who say dumb offensive shit", the onus has to be on the platform that incentivizes saying controversial, widely disproven things to change their methodology

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  15. i think we intellectually realize hot takes that get people to yell at you do drastically better engagement numbers than just viral tweets that people rt and move on from but i dont think we're synthesizing how that improves the careers of hot take artists like singal

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  16. 15 hours ago
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  17. elon musk just sent me a model S for posting my 100,000th "humans crash cars too 🙄" comment on videos of self driving car collisions

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  19. 15 hours ago

    Alright folks let’s settle this shit once and for all. Vacation spots in the Lesser Antilles- who ya got???

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  20. Apr 7

    extremely cursed “library” at this brewery

  21. 16 hours ago

    the three genders


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