
Spokesperson says White House announcement of travel plans put Pelosi's delegation at risk

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Drew Hammill, deputy chief of staff to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, said President Trump's announcement of the congressional delegation's plans to travel to Belgium, Egypt and Afghanistan "had significantly increased danger to the delegation" and other national agencies who would be supporting the trip.

President Donald Trump canceled House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's planned trip to Belgium and Afghanistan just hours before the congressional delegation, known as a CODEL, was set to depart.

135 replies 128 則轉推 265 個喜歡

President ’s letter to concerning her upcoming travel

31,789 replies 22,725 則轉推 79,420 個喜歡

Why would Nancy Pelosi leave the Country with other Democrats on a seven day excursion when 800,000 great people are not getting paid. Also, could somebody please explain to Nancy & her “big donors” in wine country that people working on farms (grapes) will have easy access in!

28,020 replies 23,273 則轉推 87,317 個喜歡

Pelosi's spokesman said that the congressional delegation had been prepared to fly commercially after the military plane was revoked, but learned the administration had also leaked the commercial travel plans

241 replies 452 則轉推 515 個喜歡

Thread from spokesman stating that updated threat assessment detailing that announcing lawmakers' travel "significantly increased the danger to the delegation and to the troops, security, and other officials supporting the trip."

62 replies 315 則轉推 412 個喜歡

The United States Congress is a co-equal branch of government in our system of checks and balances. The Congress has a constitutional responsibility to conduct oversight in the war zone where our men and women in uniform are risking their lives every day.

476 replies 3,664 則轉推 9,697 個喜歡

After President Trump revoked the use of military aircraft to travel to Afghanistan, the delegation was prepared to fly commercially to proceed with this vital trip to meet with our commanders and troops on the front lines.

311 replies 1,661 則轉推 4,838 個喜歡

In the middle of the night, State Dept's Diplomatic Security Service provided an updated threat assessment detailing that the President announcing this sensitive travel had significantly increased danger to the delegation & to troops, security, & other officials supporting trip.

275 replies 4,490 則轉推 8,747 個喜歡

This morning, we learned that the Administration had leaked the commercial travel plans as well.

485 replies 4,159 則轉推 8,361 個喜歡

In light of the grave threats caused by the President’s action, the delegation has decided to postpone the trip so as not to further endanger our troops and security personnel, or the other travelers on the flights.

318 replies 2,447 則轉推 7,196 個喜歡

Whether here or abroad, the Speaker always thanks our troops, diplomats and intelligence community for their heroism & service. The Speaker commends her colleagues on the delegation, who personally & officially have dedicated their lives to protect & defend the American people.

1,243 replies 1,799 則轉推 7,852 個喜歡

Multiple admin sources were telling Hill reporters early this morning that the Speaker Pelosi delegation was flying commercially

161 replies 670 則轉推 1,144 個喜歡

White House sr. official tells colleague that Pelosi lied when she claimed the administration leaked her CoDel's commercial travel plans.

41 replies 95 則轉推 173 個喜歡

An important reminder on why the secrecy of Congressional delegation travel into war zones is so important: In July, Sens Graham & Shaheen ate at a restaurant in Manbij, Syria. This week, that restaurant was bombed by ISIS killing 15, incl 4 Americans.

72 replies 361 則轉推 549 個喜歡

.: this isn't just about protection of speaker or members of codel. This is about protection of troops and security detail. You don't want bad guys to know when youre on ground or heading towards that ground or imperil people who are assigned to protect dignitaries

74 replies 431 則轉推 1,410 個喜歡

"One sophomoric response does not deserve another." Republican Senator Lindsey Graham criticized the White House for its reaction to Pelosi's SOTU gambit.

304 replies 172 則轉推 460 個喜歡

The US delegation will not be present at the due to the government shutdown.

6 replies 45 則轉推 56 個喜歡