Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Questions? Get answers, how-to tips, and general information about FTC programs.


How does the Bureau of Competition help protect consumers?

The work of the Bureau helps protect and strengthen free and open competitive markets and ensure that businesses compete fairly. Aggressive competition among sellers gives consumers access to quality goods and services.

Get Early Termination Notices on Twitter

The FTC regularly publishes notices of Early Terminations (ET) of the Hart-Scott-Rodino premerger notification waiting period for proposed mergers and acquisitions.

Get an Advisory Opinion from the FTC

FTC staff or the Commission may offer industry guidance for proposed conduct. The FTC staff has provided more information about this process.

Consumer Protection

Report Identity Theft

If someone is using your personal information to open new accounts, make purchases, or get a tax refund, report it at

Apply for a Refund in an FTC Case

Please visit the FTC’s refunds page, which lists recent cases that resulted in refunds. Click on the name of a case to apply for a refund or learn more about the case.

Solving Consumer Problems

If you aren’t satisfied with a product or service, there are steps you can take to resolve the problem and

FTC Info

File Documents in Adjudicative Proceedings

The paper originals, and requisite paper copies thereof, of all filings in adjudicative proceedings that must be filed with the Office of the Secretary should be (1) delivered to Constitution Center, 400 Seventh Street, SW, Suite 5610, Washington,

Information Collected by Third-Party Services

The FTC uses third-party services such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to communicate and interact with the public.

Leaving the FTC Website

Our websites include links to pages located on sites maintained by other agencies and organizations. Once you access another site, you are subject to the privacy policy of that site.