TOTW: What "Not Anarchists" Influence Your Anarchy?

  • Posted on: 15 January 2019
  • By: anon (not verified)

Anarchists have never existed in a vacuum. We are a part of the world we live in as much as we might want to destroy that world. We interact with the (not anarchist) world in ways that both influence it and are influenced by it. While this is true on every level of day-today life, it is especially true in how we engage with writing and thinking from outside anarchist spheres.

Brawling at the Wake: Syndicalism Makes a Cameo Plus Moral Superiority

  • Posted on: 16 January 2019
  • By: anon (not verified)
"Financial institutions hate this but you can eliminate student loans with one simple trick! *image of rich people getting decapitated by guillotines*

I am so horrendously bored at the tired bickering of syndicalists and insurrectos (who in their grand maturity have become antifascists and prisoner supporters, love ya). However, for you my lovelies, I have peeled my forehead from my computer screen without even wiping my greasy sweat, to type a bitter epitome about my love for the beautiful idea. Aside from the german comrade (shout out), I would argue that the different sides of this debate seek to play the role of manager in social struggles. Do you know how I feel about managers? ...DO YOU?!

Night Forest Journal issue 1

  • Posted on: 16 January 2019
  • By: anon (not verified)

Attention radicals, anarchists, poetic-freaks, lovers of freaky poetry, savage kids, eco-nerds, feral folk, witches, individualists, nihilists, primitivists, zenarchy weirdos, rebels with tribal tendencies and the anti-political!

Night Forest Journal issue 1 is a collection of poems, stories, essays and images, for your psychic-wanderings.

Thank you to all of you who have sent in your creativity, whether that is as poetry, essays, art or short stories. We are very happy to announce that the first Night Forest Journal is complete and ready for you to read.

Anarchy Radio 01-15-2019

  • Posted on: 16 January 2019
  • By: anon (not verified)


Events reminders. Enviro marker of the week. Snitch culture call.
"Post-Left" foibles...e.g.regarding strikes/unions, EZLN, "How Fascists
Approach the Post-Left Anarchist Movements" by Dimitris Plastiras.
"Whopping American weight gains. Wichi hunter-gatherers in Argentina.
Problem Solving Deficit Disorder - tech dependance. Desalination hoax.
One call, action briefs.


Anews Day Zero

  • Posted on: 15 January 2019
  • By: worker

Before you ask, yes we know we have been down for 48 hours, and yes we know that anews time does not extend prior to that downtime. We begin again from the ashes of a database crash and burn. We'll fix it (although we probably need an expert at innodb) but for now it is more important to get back up and running than be precious about the past.

Perhaps anarchism is more about our glorious future than the past anyways, right? We joke!


Eric’s Communication Restricted: Call in to Help!

  • Posted on: 15 January 2019
  • By: thecollective

Eric is still being held at USP Leavenworth after being assaulted by staff at FCI Florence. He still is being held without charges, disciplinary write-ups, or any disciplinary hearings for more than 140 days. He is still under the jurisdiction of FCI Florence and this month when he tried to call his wife for his one phone call a month he found that their communication was restricted and he was unable to call. EK remains without an explanation as everyone refuses to provide any information as to why his phone communication has been cut off.

Relentless repression in Russia: why we will demonstrate on Saturday 19 January

  • Posted on: 15 January 2019
  • By: anon (not verified)

From People and Nature

On Saturday 19 January we will demonstrate in London, in solidarity with Russian anti-fascists. Eleven of them, who have been arrested, tortured and accused of fabricated “terrorism” charges, are awaiting trial. Many others have faced a relentless campaign of persecution by officers of the federal security services (FSB) and the police – which is reviewed in this article.

Please join us on Saturday, to support the Russian anti-fascists and strengthen international solidarity against fascism, xenophobia and state terror. Please re-post and share this article.

Don’t Want to be Your “Second Pillar”: A Response to RED

  • Posted on: 15 January 2019
  • By: thecollective

The Radical Education Department, in their response to Nothing to Syndicate, asserts that Occupy, anti-ICE struggles, and anti-racist struggles were “almost always expressing precisely working class concerns”. This is blatantly untrue. ICE detainees generally identify first as migrants. Occupiers rallied in public parks, not workplaces. The unemployment rates in Ferguson were three times higher than the national rates. “Worker” is not an identity these people in revolt took for themselves, it is one that class-reductionist leftists foisted unto them.

The State Shutdowns, the Commune Rises: #J20 Events Across US

  • Posted on: 15 January 2019
  • By: thecollective

From It's Going Down

In December of 2018, It’s Going Down along with CrimethInc., Mutual Aid Disaster Relief, and the Final Straw all made a call for a week of action and experimentation around mutual aid, community resilience and self-defense, and the creation of survival programs.
