
I'm happy to see the gender pay gap as an issue political parties are trying to outdo each other on; that shows they see it as an issue (which it is, duh), and are trying to compete with one another to attract voters. The Coalition has traditionally paid lip service to this issue but it is now trying to catch up to Labor. This article contains a link to Labor's announcement on the issue which contains measures that could address the issue of women working in low paid issues s...uch as child care and aged care.
A lot of the discussion about the gender pay gap tends to focus on pay discrepancies between men and women performing the same work in white collar jobs; but a huge issue is the sectors that employ overwhelming numbers of women who are all on low wages. I don't think anyone who has had anything to do with child care or aged care would dispute the workers are under paid; it's how to address pay across a whole industry that is the difficult question.

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Federal industrial relations minister Kelly O'Dwyer has taken aim at Labor's record on the gender pay gap, after the party unveiled a plan to tackle the issue at its national conference.

This interview with Yael Stone so articulately describes how complicated workplace relationships are and how they are not clear cut. This is the line that really jumped out at me: "I don't want to be difficult. I don't want to be seen as someone who's difficult."
It is so difficult for people who speak up and Yael has done such a compelling job.
Yael Stone, the Australian star of Netflix series Orange is the New Black, has made explosive claims about veteran actor Geoffrey Rush, alleging he sent her sexually suggestive text messages and behaved inappropriately backstage. Mr Rush has denied the allegations, and has said in some instances, th...
Optics. I know I use the word a lot but there's a good reason why there is a saying about a picture telling a thousand words. Chloe Shorten has joined her husband, Bill, on the campaign trail and the subsequent pictures (by Alex Ellinghausen) are gorgeous. The couple visited a school and it's Mr Shorten's birthday. What is the PM doing? Standing in a dark factory with a grim expression on his face (for the most part). If you're flicking through a news report in a paper or your phone which sort of picture would you prefer to see? It all feeds into the 'feel' of a candidate.
Labor leader Bill Shorten bought his wife Chloe some roses while out and about in Brisbane this afternoon. That's one way to make sure your wife votes for you.
Not in favour of minimalism at Christmas time. Or good taste apparently.