
By joining the IWW you’re joining a community of working people dedicated to supporting eachother and fighting to improve our working conditions and our lives.

As an IWW member, you’ll get:

  • Help, guidance and support to organise in your workplace and industry to improve conditions
  • Advice on your workplace rights and entitlements
  • A time and a space to discuss the issues at work that matter to you, with a circle of fellow workers who’ve been in your shoes and who’ve had the same experiences as you
  • And a democratic organisation that has your back and that’ll fight alongside you every time

We welcome all workers, of all identities, in every industry. We also welcome members of other unions, who can join the IWW while still retaining membership of their existing union.

If there’s no IWW branch in your city, then we’ll put you in touch with members who live close by and give you the support and resources you need to set up a union branch wherever you are.

IWW members pay the following dues, based on after-tax income:

  • Hardship – $0 per month for those who are unemployed, pensioners or students
  • Minimum – $10 per month for those earning less than $3,500 per month
  • Regular – $15 per month for those earning between $3,500 – $4,800 per month
  • Maximum – $25 per month for those earning more than $4,800 per month

To join, just fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you shortly:

I confirm that I am a worker and not an employer, and I will study the aims an constitution of the union.

We don’t share your information with anyone. It’s just for us.