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  1. Tom Nairn: The Three Dreams of Scottish Nationalism
  2. Michael Foot: Credo of the Labour Left
  3. New Left Review: Introduction to Glucksmann
  4. Andre Glucksmann: Politics and War in the Thought of Mao Tse-tung
  5. G. G.: The Publisher
  6. Lee Russell: Cinema--Code and Image
  7. Ken Tarbuck: The Budget, Gold and the Incomes Policy
  8. Michael Parsons: Rolling Stones
  9. John Eaton: Industrial Democracy in Britain
  10. Douglas Gill: Strategy of the Vietnamese Liberation
  11. Jon Halliday: Kennan’s Memoirs
  12. Oswald Stack: 'Containment and Revolution'
  13. B. B.: 'Bela Kun and the Hungarian Soviet Republic'
  14. J. H.: 'The Southeast Asian World'; 'The New Face of Buddha'