
Modern Madness: A Wild Schizoanalysis of Mental Distress in the Spaces of Modernity

Ed Lord


What are we to make of an age that delivers pandemic levels of mental illness and a physical environment at the point of catastrophic collapse?

What is it that connects and infuses both modernity and psychiatry to make them seem like the only possible ways to organise our lives and aid our distress?

Could there be other options available? Other ways to explain and ameliorate our distress? What if mental distress is considered as much a matter of geography as it is of personal pathology?

These are some of the questions opened up for analysis in this radically ground-breaking investigation of mental distress in the spaces of the modern world. The philosophical legacies of Felix Guattari and John Zerzan are employed to take the reader on a profoundly challenging walk through Critical Theory, anarchy and decolonisation to create a route to sanity via a wild-schizoanalysis. Drawing upon a professional background in acute psychiatry and a personal immersion in radical environmentalism the author introduces us to the opening salvo of a wild and undomesticated way to think about the personal and global issues we face.


Situating Mental Distress and Modernity
Felix Guattari and Schizoanalysis
Anarchic Space
The Critique of Psychiatry
A Methodological Insurrection
Everyday Methodologies of Immanence and Affect
Case Studies
Case Study 1: The Zapatista Insurgency
Case Study 2: Idle No More
Case Study 3: The Dark Mountain Project
Radical Implications of a Wild Schizoanalysis
Tentacles of Mental Distress and Modernity
Disciplinary Modernity and Control Hypermodernity
Prefiguration, Pragmatics and Decolonisation
Abstract Space: Abstract Distress
Subversion1: Scaling Up the Diagnosis
Overtly Spatial Distress: or Traversing the Firewall
Subversion 2: Luddite Health Promotion
Postscript: Wandering Among Ruins

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Ed Lord will be talking about Modern Madness at the London Anarchist Bookfair from 12 noon to 1pm on Saturday October 28 2017.
