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Policy Fellowships

The Science & Technology Policy Fellowships program provides opportunities for scientists and engineers to contribute to federal policymaking while learning firsthand about the intersection of science and policy. 

Entry Point!

Entry Point! identifies and recruits students with apparent and non-apparent disabilities studying in science, engineering, mathematics, computer science, and some business fields for internship and co-op opportunities.

Mass Media Fellowships

The Mass Media Science & Engineering Fellows Program places graduate- and post-graduate-level science, engineering, and mathematics students in newsrooms to work as reporters, editors and production assistants. 

Leshner Leadership Institute

The Leshner Leadership Institute names Public Engagement Fellows from disciplines at the nexus of important science-society issues. The Fellows convene for a week of intensive public engagement training and plan development.

Community Engagement Fellows Program

The AAAS Community Engagement Fellows Program aims to improve collaboration and community ­building in science. It will provide a year-long professional development opportunity to individuals who cultivate member engagement and collaborative relationships within scientific associations and research collaborations. 

The L’Oréal USA Fellowships for Women in Science

The L’Oréal USA Fellowships for Women in Science program is a national awards program that annually recognizes and rewards five U.S.-based women researchers at the beginning of their scientific careers. Recipients each receive up to $60,000 that must be put towards their postdoctoral research.