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After four years of struggle and preparations the Enough is Enough Info-Café finally opened

On December 22 the Enough is Enough Info-Café opened its doors in Wuppertal, German territory. A short report and podcast about four years of struggle and the first day of the Enough is Enough Info-Café.

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Call for an Anti-Capitalist Feminist Bloc at 3rd Annual #WomensMarch – Los Angeles

Members of Black Rose/Rosa Negra – Los Angeles and other Los Angeles based organizations are calling for an Anti-Capitalist Feminist Bloc at the next Women’s March – January 19th, 2019.

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#HambacherForest: The new Shitbarricade is available! (4. edition)

Hellö, here we are again. Reappeared to add our (and others) two cents. Like always, its hard to swallow the majority of the stuff that is spreaded. We want to share an alternative to the massproduced junk. So we present the 4th edition of this handmade product. Like always full of love, rage and ingredients from the region and all over the world. To be clear: This is the 4th edition of the “Shitbarricade”, a selfproduced Newspaper from people in and arround the occupyed Hambach Forest.

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Build the Revolution: Anarcho-Syndicalism in the 21st Century

The Radical Education Department (RED) weighs in on the ongoing debate around syndicalism and organizing strategies, arguing that modern variations of syndicalism still offer powerful weapons for autonomous anti-capitalist struggles and movements.

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#Unistoten: M4 Movement in Solidarity with the Indigenous #Wetsuweten People of so-called #Canada

This communiqué comes from the folks of the Mesoamerican Movement against the Extractive Mining Model, expressing their solidarity with the Indigenous struggle of the Wet’suwet’en people in so-called Western Canada. The communiqué makes the connection between the Indigenous and campesino struggles in Mesoamerica and the struggle of the Wet’suwet’en against the pipeline project in their territory.

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Interview With Comrades From #HambacherForst

This interview was held in Santander (Spanish territory) with comrades who have been in the Hambach Forest in November 2018. The interview was in an audio format, intended for free radio. This is a transcript; therefore it is not made to the letter. It does not include the news that may have emerged from this fight between November and the end of December.

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Tekoşîna Anarşîst (Anarchist Struggle) Announces It’s Presence in #Rojava

Statement about a new anarchist formation fighting in the Rojava revolution.

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#YellowVests: The struggle continues

Gilets Jaunes: Since what some have called Act IV, the central apparatuses of repression of bourgeois order and capitalist state are really aware of the magnitude of the ongoing social movement taking place before our eyes. On that day (December 8th), they went in a big way and pretended not to let “misbehaviour” of the previous weekend to develop: 89,000 cops, gendarmes, CRS [antiriot units]were deployed throughout France, including 10,000 in Paris, tightly controlling the country’s main cities, mass and preventive arrests, armoured vehicles to break down barricades, direct laying firesof thousands of grenades, “sting-ball grenades”, “stun grenades”, “GLI-F4 grenades” (presented as a “non-lethal weapon” containing an explosive charge consisting of 25 grams of TNT)…

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Call for international solidarity by revolutionaries from the French territory

French territory: In the past 2 months many people were arrested and injured by state mercenaries during the ongoing Gilets Jaunes revolt. Revolutionaries from the French territory are asking for international solidarity. Enough is Enough will start collecting money to cover legal bills for comrades on the French territory.

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#HambacherForst: Preparations for eviction – postponement/cancellation of eviction

Hambacher Forest: For several weeks now, a possible eviction of the tree houses and the meadow camp in the forest has been expected again. The reason for this is the repeated operations by cops (30.11. / 12.12. / 28.12. and 09.01), during which all ground structures (tents, kitchens, toilets) were destroyed, as well as all existing structures, which they could not reach due to their height, were documented by date.

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Class War in Social Democratic #Sweden

Two activists with the SAC syndicalist union in Sweden write on the “Peace Obligation” proposal which would effectively outlaw strikes and workplaces actions outside of narrow conditions. The piece explains both the political context for the proposal – crafted jointly by employers and major unions and backed by the Social Democratic Party – as well as the the resistance led by a coalition of independent unions and activists.

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