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On Year After #OperationPUSH: Next Steps in the Struggle

Update on the struggle around #OperationPUSH, which emerged at the start of 2018 in Florida prisons. Last year today, you and your organizations joined over...

Don’t Want to be Your “Second Pillar”: A Response to RED

What follows is another essay on the ongoing dialog on syndicalism in the 21st Century. This essay in particular is a response to the...

Toronto: No Pipelines, No Police; Unist’ot’en Solidarity Mural

The following photo and short report was anonymously sent to It's Going Down. Following the RCMP raid on the Unist'ot'en camp on January 8,...

This Is America #52: Sleep Now In the Fire

Welcome, to This Is America, January 14th, 2018.In this episode, we are lucky enough to speak to a variety of people across the country....

Viva La Resistencia! Update on Removal of Benito Juarez Warehouse

Update on the Mexican State's push to remove and evict the Benito Juarez autonomous space, a warehouse that was offering space and shelter for...

The Seattle Worker: January 2019

The January issue of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) in Seattle, Washington. Read and Download HEREThe Seattle Branch of the Industrial Workers of...

Eric’s Communication Restricted: Call in to Help!

Anarchist prisoner Eric King has had his communication restricted. Calls are needed! Update: In addition to calling the north-central regional office it is urgent that...

The Shape of Solidarity with the Unist’ot’en Camp in Canada, and...

Ill Will Editions sits down with a comrade from Montreal to talk about the expanding struggle in solidarity with the Unist'ot'en camp in so-called...

Reportback from the 2018 New Year’s Eve Noise Demo in Montréal

Report back from the New Year's Eve noise demonstration in so-called Montreal. This report was originally published on Montreal Counter-Info. On New Years Eve...

Clemency Phone Zap For Jailhouse Lawyer Melvin Perez

Call-in campaign to support jailhouse lawyer Melvin Perez, called for by IWOC Gainesville. Melvin Perez is an accomplished jailhouse lawyer serving two consecutive sentences...

IGD LA: Mass Teacher’s Strike Kicks Off

Over 30,000 union teachers and staffers in the second largest school district in the US went on strike today. The strike began with pickets...

Kite Line: Paths Out of Prison; E-Carceration or Liberation

Long running anti-prison radio show and podcast Kite Line returns with another episode. Listen and Download HERESince the Ferguson uprising in 2014, the Black Lives...

The State Shutdowns, the Commune Rises: #J20 Events Across US

In December of 2018, It's Going Down along with CrimethInc., Mutual Aid Disaster Relief, and the Final Straw all made a call for a...

Austin, TX: Screening of Sub Media’s “Trouble” at MonkeyWrench Books

Join Monkey Wrench Books in Austin, Texas on January 15th for a film screening of Trouble. Join us at MonkeyWrench Books, Tuesday, January 15th...

Madison, WI: Rally Against Armed Fascist Militia 1/12

Members of the far-Right III%er militia, which has been tied in the past to various attempted bombs, and who also have attended events such...

Legal Fund for Two Survivors of Police Murder

Call for support from the Elm City chapter of the Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM) for two young people who have been held by the...

Hapeville, GA: Neo-Nazi “Rock Stone Mountain” Organizer Exposed to Community

Report from Atlanta Antifascists, who recently exposed to the Hapeville, Georgia community, a neo-Nazi organizer who is planning the upcoming 'Rock Stone Mountain' rally,...

Working Class Resistance to Mass Evictions in Ottawa

A look at the Herongate Tenant Coalition and how they organized to stop the eviction of working-class residents. By Sean PhippsOn May 7th 2018, 500...

Elliston, VA: Yellow Fince Tree Sit in Solidarity with Wetsuwet’en Resistance

Statement of solidarity from the Yellow Finch tree sit with the ongoing Wet'suwet'en resistance to resource extraction in so-called British Columbia. The Yellow Finch tree...

Seattle, WA: SeaSol Forces Boss to Give Backpay

The Seattle Solidarity Network reports on a successful campaign that won back stolen wages for a low-wage worker. SeaSol ended 2018 with a win as...

Tekosina Anarsist (Anarchist Struggle) Announces It’s Presence in Rojava

It's Going Down has received the following submission about a new anarchist formation fighting in the Rojava revolution, which we print below. Today, we,...
Statement of solidarity from the Yellow Finch tree sit with the ongoing Wet'suwet'en resistance to resource extraction in so-called British Columbia. The Yellow Finch tree sits outside of Elliston, VA have been blocking the Mountain Valley Pipeline for 128 days!There has still been no decision regarding the request for injunction...
A look back on 2018 from the Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM) and some thoughts on the path ahead. While the forces of fascism have been gaining power in the US and abroad and wielding it to wreak havoc on people’s lives this year, RAM has been steadily organizing and building....
Update on the struggle around #OperationPUSH, which emerged at the start of 2018 in Florida prisons. Last year today, you and your organizations joined over 160 groups who signed on in support of #OperationPUSH demands, adding your voice to FL prisoners demanding dignity, justice and a recognition of their continued...
The following photo and short report was anonymously sent to It's Going Down. Following the RCMP raid on the Unist'ot'en camp on January 8, a couple of us in Toronto painted a piece in solidarity with the land defenders.Fuck the RCMP and Transcanda For resistance and sabotage
A look at the Herongate Tenant Coalition and how they organized to stop the eviction of working-class residents. By Sean PhippsOn May 7th 2018, 500 residents of Herongate, a working-class, predominantly Somali neighbourhood in Ottawa, received eviction notices, demanding they leave by the end of September. Five days later, tenants...
Discussion on the strategy and history of the disruption and blockading of extractive industries in the context of so-called Canada.Not only can blockades “shut down the world”, they also open up space for a new one to be built, or in the case of colonized peoples, a world...