Blaming the Internet alone for racist mass shootings is a naive delusion.

More info on the ideology of the terrorist who carried out today’s massacre in New Zealand. Anticapitalist theory holds that fascists, although claiming to be against the elite (Globalists / Jews according to the conspiracy) actually act in the interests of the ruling class by dividing the working class along racial lines, and using patriotism to unite the working and ruling classes against a foreign scapegoat.

The fact that the “gunman” posted pictures of his weapons and announced his actions days in advance and the state took no action only seems to prove this point.
On Friday, March 15th, one or more gunmen opened fire in two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. As I write this, three men and one woman have been taken into custody by local law enforcement. It is unclear to what extent they were all involved. The only thing we know is that one of the...