
We are absolutely disgusted by this horrific attack on innocent people's homes near Donegal Road. This is the despicable action of a group hoping to emulate the intimidation tactics of the militant far right extremists that have been toxic in this city and many others. This cannot and will not be tolerated!

Our wholehearted support and solidarity to those affected and to anyone living in fear after these threats.

Not one step back.


EDIT: We believe this happened a month ago and we were not aware if this. Thank you to those who pointed out our mistake. We apologise for spreading false information

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Great to hear NIPSA and UAR have called a counter demo against the Far right yellow vest protest this Saturday the 19th. We call on all anti racists and anti fascists to attend this. It is great to see that other groups and trade unions are using the initiative to oppose fascism and far right elements within our city. NO PASARAN

victims of imperialism, victims of collusion.