Aber Antifa hat einen Link geteilt.
6 Std.
There is a resistance forming by supporters who have taken influence from openly anti-fascist clubs like St. Pauli, and appropriated their message to suit the needs of the British terrace
Aber Antifa hat einen Beitrag geteilt.

Hwn...... this......

Bild könnte enthalten: Text „HATE SPEECH is not FREE SPEECH Every time hate speech is permitted it costs someone part of his or her self, part of their self-respect, or part of their sanity. It rips people to shreds and destroys society.“
Ireland against Fascism

Hate speech is NOT free speech!
Give No platform to klansplainers, fascists or nazis!

Most countries in the world has laws against racism, homophobia etc They ...have laws protecting minorities, religions, the right to have a safe life practising your religion, the right to seek protection across borders when you are being persecuted or driven out from your own lands.

When the klansplainers scream they are entitled to free speech, they tend to forget the laws against hate speech. They also forget the laws against agitation for crimes like attacks, violence, harassment.

What we see in countries run by the far-right is all these law being scrapped or drastically limited. Laws protecting those who need protecting the most vanishing.

And klansplainers do not realize that once these laws are gone, they themselves become targets. They will have their rights stripped too.
Because in the far-right world only leaders matter, only those with money, contacts and power matter. The rest of the population is just there to uphold their leaders continuing wealth and power. If you oppose that, it doesn't matter how loyal you used to be, it doesn't matter how much you did to help them rise to power...

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