Joymo sports livestreaming and analysis

Ready to livestream your games?

  • Generate revenue by selling pay-per-view- and season tickets.

  • Develop your players and analyse your games

  • Livestream your sport

  • Automatic Tracking

  • Unmanned


Find out how much your club can make with JOYMO using our calculator


JOYMO for the club

By getting a JOYMO camera and broadcasting unit at your club, you can livestream your club’s games to absent parents, grandparents, friends and fans.

  • Generate revenue for your team and club

    With JOYMO you can make money by inviting people to pay-per-view (or pay-per-season) your games

  • Engage your fans and players to support your club

    Every paying live streaming spectator is money made and invested back into grassroot sports development.


JOYMO for the coach

Become the coach you always wanted to be. JOYMO will give you and your team a new platform for developing and improving.

  • Analysis Function

    Your players receive immediate feedback on their performance from training or games. Send your players clips to watch, reflect, learn and prepare.

  • Camera Control

    Enables the club, team or coach to control JOYMO’s unmanned or mobile broadcasting unit via a smart phone or tablet.

  • Advanced Playback

    Record, clip, edit and send footage from training and games


JOYMO for the fan

It hurts missing moments of sporting joy because of travel or because you live far away. JOYMO is here to change that. From now on, you can watch your favourite clubs’ games from wherever you are!

  • Watch Anywhere

    Log in and view live streams footage from the club of your choice – anywhere in the world.

  • Give Back and Support the Club

    Every time you pay to watch a game, you are giving money back to the club you are watching.

  • Behind the Scenes

    Watch behind the scenes training or live games


JOYMO for the player

We want to help you share what you do, with those who can’t attend because of work, distance or illness. And we want to help you to develop in your sport.

  • Become a better player

    Develop as a player by watching replay clips and previous games.

  • Store every goal or awesome move

    Wouldn’t it be great to have every awesome thing you did for your team captured and saved forever?

  • Never miss out

    Your grandparents, traveling parents, uncles or aunties no longer need to miss out on your awesome tackle or our incredible goal

Livestream for all!