12 January 2019
Amid threat of national emergency declaration
US government workers call in sick, demand strike action against lockout and payless paydays
By Barry Grey, 12 January 2019
The growing opposition of federal workers comes together with the preparations of Los Angeles teachers to strike, the mounting opposition of auto workers to plant closures, and a rising wave of class struggle internationally.
“We are being treated like pawns”
As payless payday looms, federal unions stage protests in US cities
Trump’s “national emergency” threat and the danger of presidential dictatorship
As US shutdown heads toward its fourth week
Trump delivers fascistic White House rant to demand border wall
Mobilize the working class against the US government shutdown
More on the Trump presidency »
Following Oshawa GM sitdown protest, autoworkers fed poison of Canadian nationalism at Windsor rally
By Shannon Jones, 12 January 2019
Autoworkers attending a rally called by Unifor in Windsor, Ontario who were looking for a way to fight GM plant closures were instead hit with a strong dose of Canadian nationalism by union officials.
Unite Canadian, US and Mexican autoworkers!
Build rank-and-file committees to fight GM’s plant shutdowns in Oshawa and the US
Ford to lay off thousands, close plants across Europe
Jaguar Land Rover announces nearly 5,000 UK job losses in global restructuring
By Robert Stevens, 12 January 2019
Last October, JLR posted losses of £90 million and has seen a collapse in sales by nearly 50 percent in its main and most profitable market, China.
Security personnel at German airports continue protest strikes
By K. Nesan and Marianne Arens, 12 January 2019
The work stoppages make clear the enormous anger of security staff and their willingness to fight.
Pompeo in Cairo: The ugly face of US imperialism
By Bill Van Auken, 12 January 2019
Reflecting US imperialism’s priorities in the region, Pompeo mentioned Iran 25 times in his speech, compared to a mere dozen references to “terrorism.”
Was the hack of German politicians data supported by the state?
By Ulrich Rippert, 12 January 2019
Out of all the parties represented in parliament, only politicians from one remained unaffected by the hack: the far-right AfD.
Financial warnings point to Australia’s economic and political instability
By Mike Head, 12 January 2019
Two reports raise the spectre of a financial crisis that would blow up the pre-election claims of both the Coalition government and the Labor Party.
New in Arabic
أصول ونتائج التحقيق الأمني الذي قامت به الأممية الرابعة
١٣ تشرين الثاني نوفمبر ٢٠١٨
تجدون فيما يلي نص وتسجيل لمحاضرة ألقاها إريك لندن في مدينة ديترويت في ولاية ميتشيغان وفيها استعراض للتحقيق الضخم الذي أجرته اللجنة الدولية للأممية الرابعة تحت عنوان الأمن والأممية الرابعة.
New in Bengali
সামাজিক বিপর্যয় ও রাজনৈতিক প্রতিক্রিয়াশীলতার বিরুদ্ধে লড়াই করতে ভারতীয় শ্রমিকদের প্রয়োজন এক বিপ্লবী সমাজতান্ত্রিক কার্য্যক্রম
দীপাল জয়েশেখেরা ও কিথ জোনস্, ৮ জানুয়ারী ২০১৯
সামাজিক বিপর্যয় এবং "বিনিয়োগকারীদের স্বার্থে" বিজেপি সরকারের করা অর্থনৈতিক পন্থার - অর্থাৎ বর্বর নিষ্ঠুরতা, বেসরকারিকরণ, নিরাপত্তাহীন চুক্তি অনুযায়ী কাজের প্রচার, পরিবেশ বিধি ও কর্মক্ষেত্রে নিরাপত্তার নিয়ম না মানা, বড় ব্যবসা ও ধনীদের জন্য কর-এ প্রবল ছাড় দেওয়া এবং শ্রমিক ও গ্রামের গরীব মানুষদের কর-এ ব্যাপক বৃদ্ধির বিরুদ্ধে আগামী মঙ্গলবার ও বুধবার হাজার হাজার শ্রমিক ও যুব সারা ভারত ব্যাপী ৪৮ ঘন্টার ধর্মঘটে অংশগ্রহণ করবে।
New in French
Ford va licencier des milliers de travailleurs et fermer des usines dans toute l’Europe
Will Morrow, 12 janvier 2019
Le communiqué de l’entreprise énonce sans détour le rôle que doivent jouer les syndicats, qu’elle décrit correctement comme ses « partenaires syndicaux », en supprimant l’opposition des travailleurs.
Trump au Rubicon
Patrick Martin et Andre Damon, 12 janvier 2019
Une déclaration présidentielle d’une « urgence nationale » pour écarter l’opposition du Congrès signifierait une rupture permanente et irréversible avec le gouvernement constitutionnel des États-Unis.
Unissez les travailleurs canadiens, américains et mexicains de l'automobile!
Il faut construire des comités de la base pour lutter contre les fermetures d'usines de GM à Oshawa et aux États-Unis
WSWS Autoworker Newsletter, 12 janvier 2019
Unifor ne peut faire l'objet de pressions ou de réformes. Les travailleurs doivent prendre en main la lutte pour mettre fin aux fermetures d'usines.
Le gouvernement de Syriza impose de nouvelles coupes budgétaires en Grèce
John Vassilopoulos, 12 janvier 2019
Syriza applique un autre budget d’austérité qui réduit encore plus la position sociale d’une classe ouvrière déjà dévastée.
Après la tentative de coup d’Etat au Gabon, le gouvernement impose le black-out de la diffusion par Internet et des médias
Eddie Haywood, 12 janvier 2019
L’imposition d’une panne totale d’Internet et des services de radiodiffusion a longtemps été utilisée comme un outil de répression par le gouvernement Bongo.
Au Venezuela, Maduro a prêté serment pour un second mandat dans un contexte d’agitation sociale croissante et de menaces d’intervention
Bill Van Auken, 12 janvier 2019
Washington, l’UE et le « groupe de Lima » des gouvernements de droite d’Amérique Latine ont traité le deuxième mandat de Maduro d’ « illégitime », invitant à un changement de régime.
New in German
Trump am Rubikon
Patrick Martin und Andre Damon, 12. Januar 2019
Wenn der Präsident wirklich den „nationalen Notstand“ ausruft, um die Opposition im Kongress auszubooten, dann wird dies ein dauerhafter und unumkehrbarer Bruch mit der verfassungsmäßigen Regierungsführung in den Vereinigten Staaten sein.
Parteien und Medien solidarisieren sich mit der AfD
Ulrich Rippert und Johannes Stern, 12. Januar 2019
Die Attacke auf den Vorsitzenden der Bremer AfD Frank Magnitz wird von allen Bundestagsparteien und den Leitmedien benutzt, um ihre Solidarität mit der rechtsextremen Partei zu erklären.
Ford plant Werksschließungen und Tausende von Entlassungen in Europa
Will Morrow, 12. Januar 2019
Von seinem Kölner Standort aus gab der Ford-Konzern 10. Januar bekannt, dass er in Europa „Tausende“ von Arbeitsplätzen vernichten will. Die Gewerkschaften bezeichnete er als „Partner“ und machte damit die Rolle deutlich, die sie bei der Unterdrückung des Arbeiterwiderstands spielen.
„Das Leben ist uns verboten … Wollen Sie sich danach richten?“
Zur Wiederentdeckung von Ulrich Alexander Boschwitz’ Roman „Der Reisende“
Clara Weiss, 12. Januar 2019
Obwohl vor 80 Jahren geschrieben, ist „Der Reisende“ nicht nur ein wichtiges literarisches Dokument der Nazizeit, sondern spricht unmittelbar die großen politischen und historischen Fragen unserer Zeit an.
New in Spanish
Trump frente al Rubicón
Patrick Martin y Andre Damon, 12 enero 2019
La declaración presidencial de una “emergencia nacional” para evadir la oposición del Congreso significaría un rompimiento permanente e irreversible del gobierno constitucional en Estados Unidos.
El aumento de la ira social se está viendo en dos días de huelga contra el gobierno indio
nuestros corresponsales, 12 enero 2019
Mientras que los medios de comunicación capitalistas intentaron en gran medida bloquear la huelga, fue apoyado por amplios sectores de la clase trabajadora.
Cómo el WRP traicionó al trotskismo:1973-1985
5. La expulsión de Alan Thornett
Declaración del Comité Internacional de la Cuarta Internacional, 12 enero 2019
Este es el texto del análisis realizado en el verano de 1986 por el Comité Internacional de la Cuarta Internacional sobre el colapso de su sección británica, el Workers Revolutionary Party.
Macron lanza un “debate nacional” fraudulento sobre las protestas de los “chalecos amarillos”
Alex Lantier, 12 enero 2019
El debate es un intento para estrangular la creciente oposición mientras continúa implementando sus reaccionarias políticas de austeridad y militaristas encubriéndolo con frases vacías.
Todos los maestros del país deberían salir
Educadores de California y Michigan piden una acción junto a maestros de Los Ángeles
nuestros reporteros, 12 enero 2019
El Boletín para maestros del WSWS conversó con docentes ansiosos por luchar junto a los maestros en Los Ángeles por defender la educación pública en el país e internacionalmente.
Los Ángeles y el plan de los milmillonarios para destruir la educación pública
Alan Gilman, 12 enero 2019
Los docentes de Los Ángeles están en el frente de batalla contra el interés de Wall Street en privatizar la educación.
New in Norwegian
Trump ved Rubikon
Patrick Martin og Andre Damon, 12. januar 2019
En presidenterklæring om en «nasjonal nødssituasjon» for å overstyre Kongress-opposisjonen ville bety et permanent og irreversibelt brudd med konstitusjonelt styre i USA.
Voksende sosialt raseri uttrykt i to-dagers streik mot den indiske regjeringen
våre korrespondenter, 12. januar 2019
Mens kapitalistmediene prøvde å overse streiken, ble den støttet av store deler av arbeiderklassen.
Indiske arbeidere trenger revolusjonært sosialistisk program for å bekjempe sosial ruinering og politisk reaksjon
Deepal Jayesekera og Keith Jones, 12. januar 2019
Titalls-millioner arbeidere og unge mennesker deltok i denne ukas 48-timers nasjonale streik i India – mot den sosialt brennbare «pro-investor» økonomipolitikken til den BJP-ledede regjeringen. ICFI/WSWS-supportere førte kampanje blant streikende arbeidere i Chennai og Kolkata begge dagene, der de blant annet distribuerte denne WSWS-artikkelen.
Foretaksmedier sverter WikiLeaks og Julian Assange
Oscar Grenfell, 12. januar 2019
En rekke artikler som angriper Julian Assange denne uka er representative for hva den verdensberømte gravejournalisten John Pilger med berettigelse kalte «Vichy-journalistikk».
Macron lanserer bedragersk «nasjonaldebatt» om «gul vest»-protester
Alex Lantier, 12. januar 2019
Debatten er et forsøk på å kvele voksende opposisjon mens regjeringen under dekke av noen få tomme fraser fortsetter den reaksjonære politikken med innstramminger og militarisme.
Fransk regjering på heksejakt etter eks-bokseren som dro til opprørspoliti i en «gul vest»-protest
Will Moreau, 12. januar 2019
Bølgen av populær støtte for Dettinger har utløst en hysterisk kampanje fra Macron-regjeringen mot eks-bokseren og de som støtter ham.
Venezuelas Maduro innsverget for andre presidentperiode under voksende sosial uro og trusler om intervensjon
Bill Van Auken, 12. januar 2019
Washington, EU og den såkalte Lima-gruppa av høyreorienterte latinamerikanske regjeringer har kalt Maduros andre termin «illegitim», og invitert til regimeendring.
New in Urdu
سرمایہ دارانہ حکمرانی کا عالمی بحران اور سوشلسٹ انقلاب کی حکمت عملی
جوزف کشوور
قومی خصوصیات خواہ کچھ بھی ہو ں، طبقاتی حکمرانی کا سیاسی بحران ہر ملک میں یکساں عالمگیر پروسس کی وجہ ہے
New in Russian
Восьмидесятилетие Четвертого Интернационала: Уроки истории и борьба за социализм сегодня
Дэвид Норт, 11 января 2019 г.
7 октября 2018 года Дэвид Норт, председатель международного редакционного совета Мирового Социалистического Веб Сайта, выступил с нижеследующей речью на публичном митинге в Коломбо, организованным Партией Социалистического Равенства Шри-Ланки.
New in Turkish
ABD-Türkiye arasındaki gerilimler Suriye’den çekilme planı üzerinden yükseliyor
Bill Van Auken, 11 Ocak 2019
Salı günü, Türkiye Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, kendisini ziyarete gelen ABD’li bir güvenlik ve ordu heyeti ile görüşmeyi reddetti.
Other Languages
- Die Provokation der Ukraine im Asowschen Meer (30.11.2018)
- Chemiekonzern Bayer baut 12.000 Arbeitsplätze ab (30.11.2018)
- „Bei Ford, bei Chrysler, bei GM – überall muss jetzt gestreikt werden“
Wut unter Autoarbeitern über GMs geplante Werksschließungen wächst (30.11.2018) - NRW-Innenminister Reul will nicht gewalttätige Gruppen stärker überwachen lassen (30.11.2018)
- Deutschland: Senioren arbeiten immer länger (30.11.2018)
- Bochumer Studierendenzeitung stellt Wahlprogramm der IYSSE vor (30.11.2018)
- Wehrt euch gegen die Werksschließungen und Massenentlassungen bei GM! (29.11.2018)
- Nach Macrons Rede: Aufruf zu weiteren Demonstrationen gegen Benzinsteuererhöhung in Frankreich (29.11.2018)
- DGB-Chef Hoffmann verteidigt Hartz IV (29.11.2018)
- Angriff der US-Militärpolizei auf San Ysidro
Verteidigt Migranten gegen staatliche Gewalt! (28.11.2018)
- Français
- La provocation de l'Ukraine en mer d'Azov (30.11.2018)
- «Il faut que tout le monde – Ford, Chrysler, GM – fasse grève tout de suite»
L’indignation des travailleurs de l’industrie automobile augmente devant la fermeture d’usines GM (30.11.2018) - New York Times: Notre crime a été de dire la vérité (30.11.2018)
- Après que Trump a fait tirer du gaz lacrymogène sur des enfants d’immigrants
Sanders affirme que les membres de la caravane n'ont pas de demandes d'asile «crédibles» (30.11.2018) - La première ministre britannique attaquée de toutes parts avant le vote du Parlement sur le Brexit (30.11.2018)
- Londres: Le nouveau conseil municipal genre «Corbyn» exige plus de coupes budgétaires (30.11.2018)
- Un appel à l'action pour lutter contre les fermetures d'usines de GM et les licenciements massifs (29.11.2018)
- Tensions entre les États-Unis et la Corée du Sud au sujet de leur attitude envers la Corée du Nord (29.11.2018)
- Des nazis à l'AfD: la grande entreprise finance l'extrême droite (29.11.2018)
- Le Guardian lance de nouvelles accusations contre Assange et WikiLeaks (29.11.2018)
- Español
- La provocación ucraniana en el mar de Azov (30.11.2018)
- "Todos –Ford, Chrysler, GM– necesitan irse a la huelga ahora mismo"
La indignación de los trabajadores automotores crece con el cierre de plantas de GM (30.11.2018) - Rechazando el discurso de Macron, los manifestantes contra el impuesto sobre la gasolina convocan nuevas protestas en Francia (30.11.2018)
- El New York Times: nuestro crimen fue decir la verdad (30.11.2018)
- Después de que Trump disparara gas lacrimógeno a niños inmigrantes
Sanders declara que miembros de la caravana no tienen un reclamo “creíble” para recibir asilo (30.11.2018) - Un llamado a la acción para luchar contra los cierres de planta y despidos masivos de GM (29.11.2018)
- Los trabajadores griegos protestan contra los ataques sociales por parte del gobierno de Syriza (29.11.2018)
- El periódico The Guardian encabeza nuevas acusaciones contra Assange y WikiLeaks (29.11.2018)
- En repudio a las maniobras de Macron para estrangular las protestas de los Chalecos Amarillos en Francia (28.11.2018)
- La desaceleración económica mundial golpea las exportaciones peruanas (28.11.2018)
- Русский
- Провокация Украины в Азовском море (30.11.2018)
- Эта неделя в истории
100 лет назад: Войска адмирала Колчака начинают движение на запад против большевиков (29.11.2018) - Россия обстреливает и захватывает военные корабли Украины (28.11.2018)
- Эта неделя в истории
100 лет назад: Антисемитский погром в польско-украинском Львове (24.11.2018) - Русское издание книги В защиту Льва Троцкого будет представлено на книжной ярмарке в Москве (24.11.2018)
- Серия выступлений «Восемьдесят лет Четвертому Интернационалу» продолжилась в Калифорнии и Орегоне (22.11.2018)
- Трамп призывает к созданию «огромных палаточных городов» и бессрочному аресту иммигрантов (17.11.2018)
- Члены польского правительства маршируют в одном ряду с крайне правыми (17.11.2018)
- Депопуляция Украины (10.11.2018)
- Кристина Ассанж, мать гонимого основателя WikiLeaks, поддержала Найлса Нимута, кандидата ПСР на выборах в Конгресс США (08.11.2018)
- Português
- A vitória de Bolsonaro e o colapso do Partido dos Trabalhadores (06.11.2018)
- Quem é responsável pela ascensão do fascista Bolsonaro no Brasil? (06.11.2018)
- O caminho na luta contra o perigo da extrema-direita na Alemanha (06.11.2018)
- A ameaça da extrema-direita no Brasil e a responsabilidade do Partido dos Trabalhadores (06.11.2018)
- Israel comemora seus 70 anos em meio a crimes de guerra e crescente desigualdade social (04.10.2018)
- O significado histórico das medidas de guerra comercial de Trump (04.10.2018)
- Por uma coalizão internacional para lutar contra a censura na Internet (04.10.2018)
- A crise de Israel e as contradições históricas do Sionismo (04.10.2018)
- Por uma coalizão internacional para lutar contra a censura na Internet (04.10.2018)
- A prisão de uma professora na Louisiana: mais um dia, mais um ultraje (01.10.2018)
- 中文
- >>
The political significance of India’s two-day general strike
12 January 2019
This week’s general strike in India, one of the largest strikes in history, is part of a growing upsurge of the world working class.
Autoworkers struggles
No layoffs! No concessions!
Autoworkers call for demonstration February 9 to fight GM plant closings
By Jerry White, 12 January 2019
The Steering Committee of the Coalition of Rank-and-File Committees, which was established last month, is calling on workers and young people to march on February 9 at the headquarters of GM in downtown Detroit.
The struggle to defend education in California
For a united struggle to defend public education in California and beyond!
By the WSWS Teacher Newsletter, 12 January 2019
As teachers in Los Angeles prepare to strike, they confront the fact that the unions are working to undermine and isolate their struggle against privatization and other attacks on public education.
- Widespread support for Los Angeles teacher strike as unions seek to block statewide struggle
- Los Angeles teachers angered as union delays strike again
- Los Angeles teachers prepare to strike
- California, Michigan educators call for joint action with LA teachers
- Los Angeles and the billionaires’ plan to destroy public education
US astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson targeted by #MeToo campaign
By David Walsh, 12 January 2019
Nothing that has come to light so far demonstrates that Tyson is guilty of wrongdoing. On the contrary, the published material suggests he is the victim of a virulent strain of political hysteria.
Actor Kevin Spacey arraigned on indecent assault charge in Massachusetts
The struggle against austerity and the fight for the United Socialist States of Europe
By the Socialist Equality Party (UK), 12 January 2019
The SEP insists that the answer to austerity in the UK is not the election of a pro-capitalist Labour government, but the unification of the working class across the continent in the struggle for socialism.
Trump at the Rubicon
By Patrick Martin and Andre Damon, 11 January 2019
A presidential declaration of a “national emergency” to override congressional opposition would mean a permanent and irreversible break with constitutional government in the United States.
The Strategy of International Class Struggle and the Political Fight Against Capitalist Reaction in 2019
By James Cogan, Joseph Kishore and David North, 3 January 2019
The year 2019 begins amidst the explosive interaction of geopolitical, economic and social crises. All over the world the ruling class is turning to ultra-right and neo-fascist politicians and organizations to defend the capitalist system. The threat of dictatorship and war can be defeated only through the political mobilization of the working class on the basis of an international socialist strategy.
Corporate media smears WikiLeaks and Julian Assange
By Oscar Grenfell, 11 January 2019
A host of articles attacking Julian Assange this week are representative of what the world-renowned investigative journalist John Pilger aptly described as “Vichy journalism.”
Ecuador unveils “special examination” of Julian Assange’s asylum
Silence follows Trump attorney’s statement that Julian Assange did nothing “wrong”
More on the fight to free Julian Assange »
Venezuela’s Maduro sworn in for second term amid rising social unrest and threats of intervention
By Bill Van Auken, 11 January 2019
Macron launches fraudulent “national debate” on “yellow vest” protests
By Alex Lantier, 11 January 2019
French government witch-hunts ex-boxer who punched riot police in “yellow vest” protest
More on the 'yellow vest' protests in France »
Arts Review
Steins;Gate 0: A sequel to the popular time-travel anime series
By Matthew MacEgan, 12 January 2019
One of the top anime series of 2018, based on a 2015 video game of the same name, deals with a small group of friends who discover a way to time travel, with dangerous consequences.
If Beale Street Could Talk: A film version of the James Baldwin novel
By Joanne Laurier, 10 January 2019
South Park episodes dramatize plight of Amazon workers, ridicule Jeff Bezos
By Ed Hightower, 9 January 2019
Min Jin Lee’s Pachinko: A novel of 20th century Korea and Japan—“History has failed us, but no matter”
By Sandy English, 7 January 2019
New in Arabic
Arabic translation of “The origins and findings of the Security and the Fourth International investigation”
We are publishing here the Arabic translation of a lecture delivered by Eric London in Detroit, Michigan reviewing the monumental investigation conducted by the International Committee of the Fourth International titled Security and the Fourth International. The lecture was first published on the WSWS on November 14, 2018.
Workers Struggles
Indian fireworks workers protest over layoffs, Pakistan water treatment workers walkout; New Caledonia nickel miners extend strike
Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific
12 January 2019
The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.
“The Teamsters won’t fight for us. It’s not a good contract”
Chicago UPS workers speak out against sellout contract
By George Marlowe and Jessica Goldstein, 11 January 2018
Amazon hires public relations firm to counter popular hostility to headquarters project in New York City
By Clare Hurley, 11 January 2019
Amazon worker describes brutal conditions at Tracy, California warehouse during Camp Fire
“Amazon ruined my life”
Amazon hired private detectives to spy on injured worker
Actors and stage managers strike against developmental work with Broadway League
By Katy Kinner, 11 January 2019
Mounting social anger seen in two-day strike against Indian government
By our correspondents, 10 January 2019
India’s “rise” and the savage exploitation of the working class
Indian workers need revolutionary socialist program to combat social devastation and political reaction
Featured Interview
Portland State University threatens to fire Peter Boghossian for authoring “Grievance Studies” hoax
By Eric London, 10 January 2019
The “Grievance Studies” hoax exposes postmodernist charlatans
A discussion with Helen Pluckrose, co-author of “Grievance Studies” hoax article
Socialist Equality Party (Germany)
Socialist Equality Party takes legal action against surveillance by German secret service
By the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, 10 January 2019
Dr. Peer Stolle, the lawyer for the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, has submitted formal notice in writing to the German Federal Agency for the Protection of the Constitution. The text of the letter is published here.
In memory of Halil Celik (1961–2018)
By the International Committee of the Fourth International, 2 January 2019
Halil Celik, founder and leader of the Sosyalist Eşitlik group, which supports the International Committee of the Fourth International in Turkey, died on December 31, 2018 following a serious illness.
Scientific breakthrough promises to increase agricultural productivity by 40 percent
By Philip Guelpa and Thomas H. Douglass, 9 January 2019
ICFI meeting announcement
Indian Trotskyists in Kolkata to celebrate 80 years of the Fourth International
7 January 2019
The Kolkata meeting will review the essential political lessons of the protracted struggle of the Fourth International and their relevance to the fight for socialist internationalism today.
International Committee of the Fourth International
The 50th anniversary of the founding of the SEP (Sri Lanka)
Victory of the Trotskyists in the 1985–1986 split in the ICFI
By Saman Gunadasa and K. Ratnayake, 29 December 2018
David North addresses New Zealand meeting celebrating 80 years of the Fourth International
By our reporters, 11 December 2018
80th anniversary of the Fourth International celebrated in Melbourne with public lecture
Eighty Years of the Fourth International: The Lessons of History and the Struggle for Socialism Today
By David North, 9 October 2018
On the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International
Book Review
Rohini Hensman’s Indefensible: The ISO discovers its muse—the CIA
By Alex Lantier, 14 December 2018
Rohini Hensman’s book, issued by the International Socialist Organization’s (ISO) Haymarket Books publishing house, is an endorsement of imperialist war.
Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four
Socialist Equality Party
Resolution of the SEP (UK) Fourth National Congress
The resurgence of the class struggle and the tasks of the Socialist Equality Party (UK)
By the Socialist Equality Party (UK), 6 December 2018
This resolution was unanimously adopted by the Fourth National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party in Britain, which was held October 27-30, 2018.
Security and the Fourth International
The origins and findings of the Security and the Fourth International investigation
By Eric London, 14 November 2018
This is the text and audio of a lecture delivered by Eric London in Detroit, Michigan reviewing the monumental investigation conducted by the International Committee of the Fourth International titled Security and the Fourth International, which exposed the infiltration of the movement by agents of the FBI and Stalinist GPU.
nullSeventy-eight years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky
By Eric London and David North, 21 August 2018
On August 21, 1940, Leon Trotsky, the founder of the Fourth International and the co-leader of the Russian Revolution, died from wounds inflicted the day before by an assassin, the Stalinist GPU agent Ramon Mercader.
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