A charity increased sponsorships

SOS-Lapsikylä (@SOSLapsikyla) is a non-profit organization that provides individualized care to children who cannot be supported by their biological parents. Active in Finland since 1962, and internationally through the SOS Children’s Villages organizations, they run more than 500 villages and have operations in more than 130 countries.

Campaign objective

SOS-Lapsikylä are active users of social media to engage their supporters and potential donors. While many people are aware of their local work, their international sponsorship program has been less well known. To recruit new sponsors for the children they support, they ran a website conversion campaign to boost child sponsorships. 


Targeting people interested in current events and charitable organizations. 



ROI with Twitter Ads

"We make our choice of digital media based on where our target audience like to spend their time and Twitter is a natural part of the media mix. We optimize the media mix and budget allocation based on the ROI calculations. Twitter has established its place in our media mix."

— Riku Luukkonen, Digital Marketing Manager, SOS-Lapsikylä

Keys to success

Use keyword targeting around relevant topics and hashtags

SOS-Lapsikylä used keyword targeting to reach an audience that was having passionate discussions on Twitter around current events that were relevant to their charitable efforts. By targeting people Tweeting with phrases and hashtags, such as #Ebola, they were able to serve their website clicks campaign to a niche audience at a time when they were likely to click through and learn more.

Update Website Card copy and images frequently

In a website clicks or conversions campaign, the Twitter ad unit used is called a Website Card. It features an image, a headline, and Tweet copy to give users more context and encourages them to click-through to the website. To keep people engaged with their messaging, SOS-Lapsikylä regularly updated their Website Cards with new copy and images. Having multiple versions of the Cards also enabled them to get insight into the types of content that resonated best with their target audience.

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