Re-imagining anthropology as if Indigenous people practice it (FYI: we do!)

Anthropology needs Indigenous people, but Indigenous people do not need Anthropology. There is no reciprocity in that equation. I think we need to start at this very point in order to re-imagine the discipline. Not through ethnography. Not through open-access publishing (though these are important things to engage with). [And if ethnography is being advanced… Read More

Fish as witness: human-fish relations in the context of colonial dispossession

Last week I had the great pleasure of presenting a paper on fish, people, colonialism and trickster-fish at the World of Matter symposium held at Concordia University, in Montreal, Canada. The symposium was titled: “World of Matter: Extractive Ecologies and Unceded Terrains“. The symposium accompanied the World of Matter exhibit at the Leonard & Bina Ellen Gallery. I particularly… Read More