On art and erasure

This is just a quick post, as a response to a video that was posted this week that explores some of the challenges faced by artists working in Edmonton: http://prairieseen.tumblr.com/post/56440156936/talkin-bout-art-in-edmonton-part-1-big-fish The blog post itself bills the video as diverse, representing “people with diverse backgrounds in our fair city [who] have built careers for themselves in… Read More

You call it Rossdale, we call it Pehonan

I’ve been promising Mike and Scott at The Charrette a piece on Rossdale for a few months now. But PhD life being what it is, I’ve struggled to get to it as I try to meet multiple competing deadlines. But I woke up early this morning to a story by David Staples on a proposal… Read More

letter to the editor

Earlier this week I sent in a letter to the Guardian, expressing my frustration with blatant and unreflexive cultural appropriation in the UK. Specifically: expressing my annoyance with fashionistas and festival-goers appropriating headdresses and tipis at festivals like Glastonbury. This is hardly new — Adrienne K. at Native Appropriations has been writing elegantly about this… Read More