The ‘human-animal line’: You should probably read Zakiyyah Jackson because she says all of this way better than I ever could

Prelude In writing this piece, I owe an immense debt to Zakiyyah Jackson and her piece “Animal: New Directions in the Theorization of Race and Posthumanism“, which you should all read. Right now. Read it.   …….. Ok, so you’ve read it? Now we can discuss the issue I’m raising here. So, there are those… Read More

safe travels

  There is a triangle of light caressing the bottom corner my bedroom window. Everything is cream-white-beige calm. After the thirst of winter (of a lifetime of winters), I feel the spring melt deliciously into my mind, my skin, my heart, my bones. I dream of water. Torrents of it, relentless waves of it churning in… Read More