
stones piled haphazardly atop of one another, melding into rolling green hills. A cold wind cuts across these landscapes folding into one another. This place so compact it could fit into my home continent dozens of times over. inception. This is no conception, this place. Conception implies consent. This birth, this beginning, it is something… Read More

Indigenizing Canadian academia and the insidious problem of white possessiveness

There’s a reason I’ve shifted from supporting Indigenization of Canadian Universities to decolonization. The former has been mobilized by universities themselves as a response to the 2015 Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Executive Summary, which included 94 Calls To Action, including many that apply to post-secondary institutions. As an optipemisiw/Michif/Métis woman from amiskwaciwaskahikan (Edmonton) in central Alberta, I am… Read More