staying hopeful

The world is a grinding place. And resisting that, refusing its violences, trying to manifest something beyond this is work. Labour. And so, some days my singular theoretical and political contribution is to lock myself up in my little home. And tend to the world of cats — who have their own politics, their own… Read More


What else is there to do but to keep tending to my fish paintings and imagining a world where we honoured our reciprocal responsibilities to fish? The mullet with a mullet was at the suggestion of Kyle Sheppard on Twitter (thanks, Kyle!)

of all the things to mourn a small waist (such a waste) (who am I kidding) blissful ignorance the scars before they were raised before they made their way through blood and sweat and flesh of all the things to mourn I mourn the bird bones I used to have buried deep in my muscles… Read More

every single bit

  If I could go back I’d look you straight in the eye brush your hair behind your ear and I’d affect my best sisterly-motherly voice Oh, poppet. You are so bright so strong so brilliant beautiful and joyful You will spend years mired in self-doubt try to shrink yourself into nothing hide in shadows… Read More

Métis legal traditions, reciprocity and the curious case of consumable identity

A few people have pointed out that most of the media commentaries about the recent public inquiries into Boyden’s identity claims are from men. This is not accidental; the cost for women to speak out not only about identity and Indigenous law  (ie: the intertwined realities of co-constituted kinship, ongoing personal and collective responsibilities, and… Read More

rebirth comes in many forms

I am amazed by the ability of time and pressure to work their magic these last few years a surgery extracting something (carve away) this flesh grows around a knot of worry and words that should be buried in loamy deep soil let the scar grow over and bind up the old self let something… Read More