One of these things is not like the other

Back in June I made a presentation at the City of Edmonton’s NextGen Committee’s Pecha Kucha #7. In it I critiqued the city’s reliance on ‘outside’ architecture, our rapid destruction of existing buildings through our fluctuating boom and bust cycles, and  the resulting erasure of our connections to our both our Aboriginal  and non-Aboriginal past.… Read More

Moving Forward: a call to arms for Aboriginal art in Edmonton

Quick: name one contemporary Aboriginal art show in the last ten years in Edmonton that was well publicized and brought together Edmonton’s diverse indigenous arts community. Okay: name a gallery in Edmonton that regularly and boldly celebrates contemporary Aboriginal art. No luck? I didn’t think so. To be fair, the current Brian Jungen exhibit at… Read More

There is something fantastic about being close to the water. A sense of movement? Or maybe just wonder at the sky stretching out from one corner of the earth to the other? I ponder, sometimes, about how our relationship to water shapes a city. Edmonton’s river valley is perhaps one of the most stunning things… Read More