In early January 150 racists and fascists gathered at St Kilda beach, boasting that it would be “Cronulla 2.0”.

Mag highlights

Toothless ‘Voice to parliament’ will change nothing for Aboriginal people

Bill Shorten has reaffirmed Labor’s support for a new Aboriginal “Voice to parliament”. This is another piece of symbolism that will do nothing to address ongoing oppression and racist government policies.

Socialists and the fight to end the frontier massacres

Paddy Gibson explains the key role unions and the Communist Party played in preventing the punitive expedition planned in Arnhem Land in 1933

Show of unity leaves refugees and union rights in the lurch at Labor conference

Labor leader Bill Shorten told the party’s national conference in Adelaide people were looking to them for “unity” and “stability”. And the Labor factions made sure they gave it to him.


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Tory divisions produce Brexit chaos

The Brexit process has thrown British politics into crisis. The failure of Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit deal means there is still no resolution in sight.

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