Neoliberalism: Free Market Fundamentalism or Corporate Power?

I’ve been hearing about neoliberalism for a long time now and never could make much sense of it. It turns out the story we tell about neoliberalism is as contradictory as neoliberalism itself. Two currents within the critique of neoliberalism offer different analyses of the current economy and suggest different strategies for dealing with the gross exploitation, wealth inequality, climate destruction and dictatorial governance of the modern corporate order.  More

Who or What Brought Down Dag Hammarskjöld?

If you believe that Dag Hammarskjöld was the victim of a plot, it can be concluded that the truth about his death has been covered up to shift the blame away from the usual suspects, including the CIA and various mercenary organizations that were then arming themselves across southern Africa. Hammarskjöld and his liberal internationalism were getting in the way of corporate profits, if not Cold War politics, and it was decided—somewhere, somehow—to cut him down to size. Maybe the plotters did not intend to kill him? Maybe they simply wanted to scare him away? But the facts about the Hammarskjöld crash have never been fully available, in part because invaluable transcripts (picked up in particular by US government eavesdropping on that night) have never been released. More

How Tre Arrow Became America’s Most Wanted Environmental “Terrorist”

That Tre Arrow, a tree-hugging vegan who espouses non-violence and lives by the airy and nebulous philosophy of Gaia, would top the FBI’s Most Wanted list, only reaffirms the notion that the Bureau’s energy is being exerted in specious directions. More

This Week on CounterPunch Radio
Yanis Varoufakis

  • HOST: Eric Draitser
  • GUEST: Yanis Varoufakis
  • TOPICS: The state of global affairs.

Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch


In this Issue: The New NAFTA, Worse Than the Old? Laura Carlsen and Pete Dolack dig through the fine print of Trump’s big deal. In Yemen, No One Can Hear You Scream by Jeffrey St. Clair, The Venezuela Fixation by WT Whitney, The Political Economy of Homelessness in the US and the UK by Kenneth Surin, Fidel, Two Years Later by Susan Babbitt, Life Without a Boss by Stan de Spiegelaere, A Big Labor Fight in Iowa by Cinda Cooper, NFL Paper Lions and Sunshine Patriots by Matthew Stevenson, Trump’s Agenda of Destruction by Ruth Fowler, Following the Static by Chris Floyd, and Our Daily Bread by Lee Ballinger

GospelbeacH – California Fantasy
