2018 Victorian state election : far right (and left) candidates

Below : Serial pest Neil Erikson interrupts a Channel 7 broadcast from Bourke Street yesterday. ALA candidate Avi Yemini also sought to capitalise upon the tragedy, today holding a smol rally at the site. This political opportunism is explored by the Online Hate Prevention Institute in Bourke Street Attack November 2018.

In a truly shocking development, serial pests Neil Erikson and Ricky Turner (‘Cooks Convicts’) will not be standing for office at the Victorian state election on November 24. Shocking and surprising, given that back in June, barrister John Bolton successfully argued for an alteration to their bail conditions on the basis that they needed their freedumbs to be political ‘n’ that (Right-wing activists face court, then announce plans for own party, Amber Wilson, The Age, June 8, 2018):

Outside court, Mr Erikson said Mr Turner, aka “Ricky T”, planned to stand as a political candidate for a yet-to-be established far-right political party called Cooks Convicts with a focus on “Australian values”.

He said he hoped the group could register before the November Victorian election, but couldn’t confirm which electorates they would contest.

“We’re going to be running on old-school, anti-PC policies,” Mr Erikson said.

Instead of and/or, Erikson is urging a vote for Lobster Guy and the party of Law & Order:

Australia First

Susan Jakobi is running for the Australia First Party in the seat of Cranbourne as an independent (the party is not registered in Victoria). Jakobi contested the federal seat of Lalor for the party in 2016, gaining 3,232 (3.0%) votes and placing fifth of five candidates.

Australian Liberty Alliance

With the decision by Cory Bernardi’s Conservatives and Pauline Hanson’s One Nation not to field candidates, together with the departure of the Australian Christians, Family First and Rise Up Australia Party, the ALA is the only right-wing micro-party still having a crack in 2018. Antony Green:

The overall fall from 545 to 507 candidates masks a significant shift to the left in the party composition of nominations.

Three small moral conservative parties that contested the 2014 election are no longer registered, Family First, Rise Up Australia, and the Australian Christians.

Family First contested all 88 electorates in 2006, 69 in 2010 and 39 in 2014. The Australian Christian[s] contested 30 electorates in 2014 and Rise Up Australia 32. In total this means there are 101 fewer candidates representing small parties of the right …

Family First and parts of the Australian Christians have been absorbed by [Cory] Bernardi’s Australian Conservatives, hoping to improve conservative prospects of winning Senate seats at the next federal election. The absorption of Family First into the Australian Conservatives was also a consequence of former Senator Bob Day’s departure from politics.

Despite having registered for the 2018 election, neither the Australian Conservatives nor Pauline Hanson’s One Nation have nominated candidates for the election. This leaves a hole on the right of Victorian politics that may boost the Coalition primary vote but will have little other impact on the overall result.

Funnily enough, in every Upper House region the ALA will be pitted against the newly-formed Victorian Socialists:

Eastern Metropolitan
Indhira Bivieca & Royston Wilding* (ALA) vs Norrian Rundle & Liam Ward (VS)
Northern Metropolitan
Russell Gomez & John Reisner vs Stephen Jolly, Sue Bolton & Colleen Bolger
South-Eastern Metropolitan
David Sydney Maddison & Ralf Schumann vs Aran Mylvaganam & Ben Reid
Southern Metropolitan Region
‘Tiny’ Avi Yemini & Kaylah Jones vs Catheryn Lewis & Ivan Mitchell
Western Metropolitan
Francine Cohen & Terri Franklin vs Jorge Jorquera & Andrew Charles

Eastern Victoria
Mark Brown & Daniel Jones vs Lainie Cruse & Russell Forden
Northern Victoria
Ewan McDonald & James Wylie vs Moira McDonald & Michael McKenna
Western Victoria
Kenneth Nichols & Daniel MacDonald vs Tim Gooden & Nada Iskra

*Wilding stood as a candidate for the Secular Party for the seat of Melbourne in the 2013 federal election and with 230 votes (0.27%), Wilding came 12th of 16 candidates.

**Jones is best-known for being ‘Tiny’ Avi Yeminem’s personal bodyguard and as a semi-professional cosplayer (Melbourne’s answer to George Jameson), but was last seen helping to provide, along with some Lads, security for the March for Babies. He’s pictured below in the company of Tiny and members of The Lads and True Blue Crew at the Milo Yiannopoulos event at Melbourne Pavilion in December 2017. (In the second image Jones, who works in the security industry, fantasises about being given a licence to kill.)

The ALA is also running a candidate, Siobhann Brown, in the Lower House seat of Yan Yean.

Victorian Socialists

As for the Victorian Socialists, they’re running candidates in no fewer than 15 districts: Bellarine (Jackie Kriz); Broadmeadows (Jerome Small); Buninyong (Jane McKendrick); Geelong (Sarah Hathway); Lara (Dean Cardigan); Lowan (Trevor Grenfell); Melton (Ron Guy); Pascoe Vale (Gerry Beaton); Polwarth (Brendan Murphy); Preston (Stephanie Price); Ripon (Bronwyn Jennings); South Barwon (David Ball); South-West Coast (Terry Riggs); Thomastown (Kath Larkin) and; Wendouree (Jeremy Smith).

While the Socialist Alliance and Socialist Alternative have thrown their weight behind the Victorian Socialists, sadly, the Socialist Equality Party (which ran four candidates at the 2015 NSW state election), will not be running any candidates at this election (and has denounced the Victorian Socialists as ‘pseudo-left’). Solidarity, for its part, took note of the Victorian Socialists in a recent article on the election.

antifa notes (september 28, 2018) : Anning, Coulter, Fortress, Palmer, Yaxley-Lennon, Yiannopoulos et. al.

1) More planeloads of racist dickheads on their way

Ann Coulter, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon & Milo Yiannopoulos

‘Australia’ was founded as a dumping-ground for the shit of British Empire. Over two centuries later, it’s now a lucrative market for other forms of animae viles. Thus, Milo Yiannopoulos returns to our shores in November, on this occasion bringing with him another wealthy right-wing blabbermouth, Ann Coulter. If all goes to plan, the pair will be accompanied by Senator Fraser ‘Final Solution’ Anning, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (assuming he’s not back in prison and/or in breach of his bail conditions by leaving E-E-England) and other speakers yet TBA.

The tour kicks off on the Gold Coast on November 29, followed by a ‘VIP Yacht Cruise’ on November 30, and then proceeds to Sydney on December 2, with another v xpnsv boat trip on December 3, and performances in Melbourne (December 5), Adelaide (December 8) and finally Perth (December 11).

The tour is being organised and underwritten by Queensland businessman Dan Spiller AKA ‘Future Now Australia’.

Until very recently, twice-convicted racist Neil Erikson was Mister Spiller’s gopher, which role included paying a nocturnal visit to the family home of sometime-rival Dave Pellowe AKA ‘Axiomatic Events’ (the mob responsible for bringing Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern Down Under).

Presumably, Spiller’s deranged acolyte will now have more time to devote to his various legal defences.

As for the luminaries Spiller will be hoping to turn a hefty profit from, Infowars-supplements salesman Milo has been having a somewhat difficult time of late, whining on Facebook about being uninvited from a conference in October and castigating his fans for failing to shovel enough money in his direction: I have lost everything standing up for the truth in America, spent all my savings, destroyed all my friendships, and ruined my whole life, Yiannopoulos wrote: At some point, you realize it’s occasionally better to spend the money on crabs and cocktails.

Fortunately for him, Facebook remains committed to facilitating his batshit, he receives the red-carpet treatment in Australia, and is celebrated by Newscorpse, including The Australian columnist Janet Albrechtsen. When she’s not enjoying Milo’s anti-Aboriginal diatribes (a sample from his talk in Perth is below), Albrechtsen may be found promoting the work of the Australian Indigenous Education Foundation (AIEF), where she serves as a brand ‘Ambassador’. Quite how Albrechtsen squares her support for Milo with her role as ambassador I don’t know: after I asked the AIEF for comment on Twitter, I was blocked.

Because newsflash [Aboriginal art] really is shit … Now Australians in this sort of bizarre form of middle-class guilt have decided to pay obeisance to a culture that failed to invent the wheel — and whose signature musical achievement is a big stick … The ugly truth that they don’t want you to say out loud is that history has winners and losers. The progressive left wants to turn Western countries into the only developed civilisations in the history of human society that shit on their own accomplishments in favour of vastly inferior civilisations for no apparent reason. Hence we’re confronted with the ugly spectacle of your own nation and ‘welcome to country’ … and the desperate, pathetic attempts to pretend that didgeridoos represent a beautiful and historic cultural achievement, and not a punchline to a joke. Now you might not know this, but there are absolutely no Aboriginal people left alive in Australia — the last ones died in the ’60s and ’70s, and since then George Soros has been shipping over Black Lives Matter activists, giving them tubs of white-out, and telling them to just daub themselves and make all the White people feel bad. Your politicians in a symbol of how intelligent they are have been falling for it for half-a-century.

So much for Milo. As for Coulter, while she’s been splashing about in the white nationalist pool for some years now, in April ‘Coulter gave a little more credence to those accusations [of white nationalist sympathies] by exposing her Twitter following of just under 2 million users to Mike ‘Enoch Peinovich’‘, a neo-Nazi blabbermouth from (((New York))).


See also : When Mormons Aspired to Be a ‘White and Delightsome’ People, Emma Green, The Atlantic, September 18, 2017 (‘An historian looks at the legacy of racism in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’).

Fraser Anning (and Clive Palmer)

Since his unexpected elevation to the Australian Senate following the disqualification of crazed pixie Malcolm ‘Jew World Order’ Roberts, Fraser ‘Final Solution’ Anning has been furiously competing with Pauline Hanson for the title of ‘Most AltRight 2018’. Thus his political obsessions have run in rough parallel with those of the baying KKKrowd, from the plight of White South African farmers to the dastardly conspiracy to commit White Genocide™, calling for the forcible eradication of Islam from Australian shores, Putin fanboydom and climate change denial. Recently, however, there’s emerged another contender: billionaire Clive Palmer. See : Alt-Right Memes and Clive Palmer’s Return to Politics, Jordan McSwiney, POP POLITICS AUS, September 27, 2018. Chumbawamba, however, are not down with the bloated idiot. See : Chumbawamba knock down ‘Trump-lite’ Clive Palmer over song use, Naaman Zhou, The Guardian, August 31, 2018.

*Anning’s Facebook page has been (temporarily?) DELed. See : Facebook Deletes Fraser Anning Over ‘Hate Speech’ Complaint, Josh Butler, ten daily, September 28, 2018 | Fraser Anning Has Been Banned From Facebook For Hate Speech, Sam Langford, Junkee, September 28, 2018 | Fraser Anning’s public Facebook page removed for reported hate speech, Jake Evans, ABC, September 28, 2018.

**Anning, along with Avi Yeminem (Australian Liberty Alliance), is scheduled to appear at a rally in Melbourne on October 6 in order to protest censorship by Facebook.

Gavin McInnes

Also touring Down Under is ‘Proud Boys’ founder Gavin McInnes. The chinless wonder is scheduled to be speaking in Melbourne (November 2), Perth (November 4), Adelaide (November 7), Gold Coast (November 8) and Sydney (November 11).

Recently, after declaring his appreciation for NYHC band ‘Sheer Terror’, only to be rebuffed by the boys, McInnes’s followers have rather foolishly declared WAR! on skinheads, in particular RASH and SHARP (See : Hardcore Legends Sheer Terror Take the Proud Boys Down a Notch, Landon Shroder, rvamag, September 26, 2018).

McInnes is proudly-sponsored by Penthouse magazine and publisher Damien Costas, who in September was responsible for arranging Nigel Farage‘s tour of the colonies, and in December 2017 that of Milo Yiannopoulos. Following Milo’s tour, Victoria Police made noises about issuing an invoice to Costas for $50,000 for costs associated with their policing his tour but a savvy Costas told them to bugger off and, happily enough for him, they did.

See also : Rose City Antifa on Proud Boys | Alternative Influence: Broadcasting the Reactionary Right on YouTube, Rebecca Lewis, Data & Society, September 18, 2018 | Nostalgia for the empire and ‘identity politics’ for white people: Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern in Sydney, A Communist At Large (James Robb), August 2, 2018.

2) Brisbane nazi punks f*ck off

Speaking of nazi punks, one, ‘Angel Montague’, is currently running a Facebook page called ‘Brisbane city punks’. Allegedly, Montague has been banned from the pubs The Back Room (Chardons Hotel) in Annerley and The Jubilee in Fortitude Valley and possibly one or two others for drunken violence. Still, by most accounts Brisbane punx give short shrift to neo-Nazi shenanigans, so it would make sense if Montague and her handful of neo-Nazi mates were continued to be shown the door.

3) Fortress (Australia)

Pioneering Aussie reich ‘n’ rollers Fortress have recorded a new album: ‘Brothers of the Storm’. The release comes in the wake of renewed touring by the band in Europe, with the boys playing a Hammerskins event in Frankreich (FRA) on March 18 last year, the annual memorial to Skrewydriver Ian Stuart Donaldson in Melbourne (AUS) on October 14, 2017 and another bonehead gig in Queensland on July 21, 2018.

See also : A Brief History Of Neo-Nazi Music In Australia (December 2, 2010).

One neo-Nazi who probably won’t be making any more muzak is Marcel ‘Flubber’ Kuschela. Kuschela, who performed with ‘Kategorie C’, committed suicide in the German town of Moenchengladbach last week: ‘According to the German newspaper Bild and public broadcaster WDR, the victim is a known right-wing extremist and Hooligan who is part of the extreme right-wing band “Kategorie C” and co-founded a movement known as “Hooligans against Salafists” (Hogesa).’

4) Dick returns to MUFF

In an about-face that surprised no-one, Richard Wolstencroft has returned to the helm of the Melbourne Underground Film Festival (MUFF). This follows a brief moment last year when, after having made a stoopid homophobic statement, he ‘resigned’ as organiser and handballed responsibility for it to a flunkey. But in June he returned.

The fascist meathead’s festival does have its supporters, but such is the stench emanating from Wolstencroft he’s having some difficulty finding a venue to screen his shite. Hence ‘Club Voltaire’ in North Melbourne was on-board, and then not, and now the main venue is Top Secret.


You can read more about Wolstencroft’s shitty fascist politics in this blog by Tony Goodfellow — Richard Wolstencroft’s relationship to holocaust denial and Nazis (November 17, 2017) — and you can peruse some unanswered ‘Questions for Richard Wolstencroft’ (June 30, 2018) by SF Lyons here.

See also : After His Show Was Canceled Due to Alleged Neo-Nazi Ties, Boyd Rice Claims ‘Offers Are Coming In’ to Restage It, Sarah Cascone, artnet, September 13, 2018.

5) local and/or general

In AUS, 4Corner’s recent interview with jet-setting fascist shitweasel Steve Bannon is examined by The Guardian writers Nesrine Malik in Indulging Steve Bannon is just a form of liberal narcissism (September 13, 2018) and by Jason Wilson in The consequences of Steve Bannon’s ideas need to be interrogated, not just his words (September 5, 2018); writer Laurie Penny has written a piece in response to the decision by The Economist to provide Bannon another platform in ‘No, I Will Not Debate You’ (September 18, 2018) … which could also be read in light of her earlier adventures with Milo. In BENdigo, meanwhile, anti-Muslim campaigner Julie Hoskin has been forced to resign her position on council after being declared bankrupt — seemingly, in no small thanks to the efforts of lawyer Robert Balzola. See : Bendigo councillor Julie Hoskin, the centre of anti-mosque protests, declared bankrupt and resigns, Peter Lenaghan and Mark Kearney, ABC, September 26, 2018 | Julie Hoskin declared bankrupt one day before sending councillor resignation to City of Greater Bendigo, Adam Holmes, The Bendigo Advertiser, September 26, 2018.

In FRA, two boneheads have been convicted of the murder of anti-fascist Clement Méric in 2013 (see : Two boneheads convicted over 2013 death of anti-fascist activist, The Guardian, September 15, 2018); in GER, Facebook Fueled Anti-Refugee Attacks in Germany, New Research Suggests (Amanda Taub and Max Fisher, The New York Times, August 21, 2018); in GRE, Kevin Ovenden has authored a ‘new study that documents the murderous activities of Greece’s far-right Golden Dawn’ (The terrorist activity of neonazi organisations in Europe – The case of Golden Dawn, jailgoldendawn, September 18, 2018); last week in ITA, an MEP, Eleonora Forenza, and their assistant were attacked by members of neo-Fascist organisation Casapound after attending an anti-racist rally (MEP and assistant attacked by Italian far-right group, Lili Bayer, politico.eu, September 22, 2018); in the USA, Hope Not Hate ventured ‘Inside America’s biggest anti-Muslim organisation’ (Charlie Prentice, September 16, 2018); also in the US, Derek Black, son of White supremacist and Stormfront founder Don Black, stars in Renouncing Hate: What Happens When a White Nationalist Repents (Wes Enzinna, The New York Times, September 10, 2018), while Media Matters examines some of the white nationalists who write for FOX News’ Tucker Carlson’s batshit website The Daily Caller in ‘The Daily Caller has published white supremacists, anti-Semites, and bigots. Here are the ones we know about.’ (September 5, 2018); Billy Briggs for The Ferret writes that ‘YouTube provides a network for far right extremists such as Scot Colin Robertson, aka Millennial Woes, to promote white supremacist views and radicalise people, according to a new report’ (Far-right Scots vlogger named in report on YouTube extremist networks, September 23, 2018); the report — ‘Alternative Influence: Broadcasting the Reactionary Right on YouTube’ — by Rebecca Lewis for Data & Society (September 18, 2018), can be read here.

More generally: ‘Far right’ groups may be diverse – but here’s what they all have in common, Daphne Halikiopoulou, The Conversation, September 27, 2018 | The Religion of Whiteness Becomes a Suicide Cult, Pankaj Mishra, The New York Times, August 30, 2018 (‘A wounded and swaggering identity geopolitics puts the world in grave danger.’) | Against mirror world: fascists were not socialists, Comrade Motopu, libcom, August 26, 2018.

Finally, str8 outta Moscow, RUS, comes …

Nigel Farage in Melbourne : Friday, September 7, 2018

See also : Nigel Farage colonizes Australia, Zoya Sheftalovich, politico, September 6, 2018 | Deplorables love in for Tony Abbott and Nigel Farage, Aaron Patrick, Australian Financial Review, September 7, 2018.


The final leg of Nigel Farage’s blitzkrieg tour Down under takes place at the Sofitel Hotel (25 Collins Street) later today.

The Campaign Against Racism & Fascism (CARF) has organised a protest outside the venue. For more details and to keep up-to-date with what’s up, see the Facebook event page here.

Victoria Police have declared the blocks surrounding the venue a designated area, granting them various additional powers.

To this point, ticket sales appear to be somewhat disappointing for organisers, with the original Sydney venue (September 6), the International Convention Centre (which previously played happy hosts to some barking-mad anti-Aboriginal hate-speech courtesy of Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern) being pulled and the event taking place at Doltone House instead. This parallels the experience in Adelaide — where it was marketed as being at the Town Hall but with attendees being directed to a smaller venue a short distance away — and so too Perth.

To add to the tour organiser’s woes, there’s been a falling out between Damien Costas and Max Markson, the dynamic duo responsible for bringing Nesquik to town in December last year. Thus:

… the party has suddenly come to a spectacular halt and the “bromance” is over amid wild accusations on both sides and a trail of debt, with Mr Markson claiming Mr Costas owes him $90,000.

Mr Markson and Mr Costas are also at war over hundreds of thousands of dollars in unpaid bills from the tour, with money owed to everyone from venue operators to security guards, Yiannopoulos and the family of one of Australia’s biggest drug smugglers.

Mr Costas confirmed Yiannopoulos was still owed money from the tour, but he wasn’t the one owing it. Mr Markson said Yiannopoulos, who agreed to do the tour in return for a $250,000 fee, was still owed several thousand dollars, but denied he was responsible.

See : Private Sydney: Markson sparks up in court in dispute with Penthouse publisher, Andrew Hornery, The Sydney Morning Herald, September 6, 2018. See also : Poor ticket sales force Nigel Farage to move Australian gig to smaller venue, Jonathon Read, The New European, September 6, 2018.


Maybe 200 or so folks staged a rally outside the Sofitel; a handful were arrested. Cooked Convict Neil Erikson was detained by police, Rino ‘Bluebeard’ Grgurovic lost his MAGA hat, and their mate Andy Nolch (see : Anti-feminist charged over Eurydice Dixon graffiti has ‘no remorse’, court hears, Tammy Mills & Sarah Emery, The Age, September 8, 2018) was also there to be entertained by Farage.

See : Nigel Farage: Clashes break out at former UKIP leader’s Melbourne event, Joshua McDonald, ABC, September 8, 2018 | Arrests after hundreds rallied against right-wing Nigel Farage in Melbourne’s CBD, The New Daily/AAP, September 8, 2018.

antifa notes (july 14, 2018) : Lauren Southern & Stefan Molyneux Down Under +++


After a minor roadbump (seemingly generated by their applying for the wrogn category of visa), Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern were this week issued working visas in order to conduct their speaking tour of Australia. See : ‘It’s OK to be white’: Anti-immigration activist Lauren Southern in Australia, SBS, July 13, 2018.

Sadly, but perhaps fittingly, at approximately the same time Southern touched down in Brisbane, a neo-Nazi allegedly stabbed to death an Indigenous man. See : Hunt continues for Queen St Mall gunman after stabbing north of Brisbane, Lucy Stone and Toby Crockford, Brisbane Times, July 13, 2018.

In any case, the hate-speech tour kicks off in Cairns on Monday, July 16 when Molyneux and Southern will be joined by tour organisers Dave Pellowe and Luke Izaak (Axiomatic Events), Lyle Shelton and Dr Peter Ridd.

The July 16 event is being auspiced by the ‘Young Conservatives North Queensland’, a yoof project of Cory Bernardi’s Conservatives party (‘Young Conservatives is the Anti-PC movement aiming to convince young Australians to become interested in Aussie politics and conservative values in NQ’) which operates under the wing of Tory yoof Ryan Hasson. You may remember Ryan from such websites as ‘Australian Majority’. See also : Senator Cory Bernardi’s conservative movement shares $1 million headquarters, Deborah Snow, The Sydney Morning Herald, August 12, 2016.

Otherwise, the remaining dates on the hate-speech tour are: July 20 : Melbourne /// July 22 : Perth /// July 26 : Adelaide /// July 28 : Sydney /// July 29 : Brisbane.

* The Melbourne event is the subject of a counter-rally. For more information, please see : Protest fascist mouthpieces Southern and Molyneux in Australia (Campaign Against Racism and Fascism) & Alt-Right Not Welcome-Protest Lauren Southern & Stefan Molyneux! (Melbourne Antifascist Info /// Jews against fascism /// Northern Suburbs Antifascists /// South East Anti-Racists /// Outer-Eastern Anti-Fascists).

img via Yelling At Racist Dogs

** The hate-speech tour was scheduled to touch down in Auckland on August 3 but it’s unclear if the event will be going ahead at this stage following the cancellation of a venue booking by Auckland Council. See : Controversial Canadian speaker denied visa as Auckland agency cancels booking, Todd Niall, stuff dot so dot nz, July 6, 2018. Unsurprisingly, news of the cancellation triggered a racist backlash, which among other things resulted in the NZ Greens co-leader Marama Davidson receiving the usual barrage of death and rape threats. See : Greens co-leader Marama Davidson receives violent threats on social media, Debrin Foxcroft, stuff dot co dot nz, July 8, 2018.


• Last weekend, the Melbourne Arms and Militaria Fair was held in Altona North. As usual, the Fair was used to distribute Nazi tatt:

Replica Nazi flags and badges available at Melbourne gun show
Tamsin Rose
Sunday Herald Sun
July 7, 2018

REPLICA Nazi flags, uniforms, badges and pins were for sale at a gun show in Melbourne’s south west today.

Gas masks and miniature Nazi model sets were also available to the thousands that visited the Melbourne Arms and Militaria Fair in Altona North.

Australia’s peak Jewish body said paraphernalia available at the Westgate Sports and Leisure Complex event indicated growing antisemitism and neo-Nazi behaviour.

Executive Council of Australian Jewry researcher Julie Nathan said the sale of such products was unacceptable.

“It is appalling that some people are willing to profit from the collection or sale of Nazi and Holocaust memorabilia,” she told the Sunday Herald Sun.

“Any Nazi memorabilia being sold in Australia is an insult to the millions who suffered and died under Nazi brutality and genocide.

“It is especially problematic at a time of rising antisemitism from the far right.”

The researcher said 230 antisemetic [sic] incidents were recorded in Australia last year and more than more than 50 were perpetrated by a Melbourne-born neo-Nazi group called Antipodean Resistance.

Event organiser Jeff Pannan said not everyone could afford genuine articles and replicas provided an alternative to collectors.

“If they can’t afford the real thing, then there are reproductions and that’s fairly common,” he said.

“If it’s available, it’s available.”

Mr Pannan said the world was in the “grips of too much ‘do-gooderism’” and that people have the right to sell whatever they wanted.

“I know everybody wants to be politically correct at the moment but this world is probably getting too politically correct,” he said.

“Whether people think it’s good or bad, I think people have the right to do it”

At the same event earlier in the year, the Herald Sun uncovered replica Zyklon B gas canisters for sale.

Chairman of the Anti-Defamation Commission Dr Dvir Abramovich said vendors needed to be held accountable.

“I would not be surprised if neo-Nazis, Holocaust deniers and white-supremacists are buying such items as a way to celebrate their dangerous ideology and to recruit new members,” he said.

“I call on all dealers to start exercising moral judgment by stopping the sale of these perverse articles.

“Perhaps it’s time that the state and federal governments consider regulating and controlling this reprehensible practice.”

• As noted previously, Cooked Convict Neil Erikson has been charged over his disruption of a church service in Gosford in May. To celebrate his court date, the methgoblins of the True Blue Crew in NSW have promised to kick up a stink at Erikson’s court hearing on September 11.

• Fuehrer of the Australia First Party, Dr Jim Saleam, has thrown his hat into the ring for the federal seat of Longman in Queensland. The various preference deals undertaken by the other parties for the July 28 by-election have generated some reportage, wailing, and gnashing of teef, but it remains unclear at this stage who will beat Saleam into the category of least-favourite candidate.

• Old mate Ricky White (Right Wing Resistance Australia) was in the news again recently:

A [bonehead] who set a church on fire and made anti-Semitic threats of extreme violence and sexual assault has been placed on an interim NSW supervision order.

The State of NSW sought the Supreme Court order against Ricky White, whom Justice Monika Schmidt said admitted having a longstanding history of involvement with white supremacist groups.

The 27-year-old is on parole for setting alight a church at Taree, in northern NSW, causing an estimated $200,000 damage, after which he sent pictures of a burning church with inverted crucifixes to friends.

The 28-day interim order, which White agreed to after disputing only a small number of the conditions, was made by Justice Schmidt on Wednesday under the Terrorism (High Risk Offenders) Act

See : Church arsonist put on supervision order, 9News, July 11, 2018.

• At the start of July, some naughty students at Charles Sturt University were disciplined after taking part in an event to celebrate their opposition to ‘political correctness’ by dressing up ‘as members of the Ku Klux Klan and in blackface as a “cotton-picking” slave’ (see : Australian students who dressed as KKK forced to complete Indigenous subject, Michael McGowan, The Guardian, July 2, 2018). Note that the freedom-loving students also dressed up as Jewish concentration camp inmates and a Nazi guard, although oddly this is not referenced in the article.


• In Germany, the trial of neo-Nazi Beate Zschäpe has ended with her conviction for her involvement in the multiple murders conducted by her group the ‘National Socialist Underground’ during the years 2000–2007, a period in which the NSU operated under the protection of German secret police in the BfV. Zschäpe was sentenced to life imprisonment. For useful background on the case, see : NSU Watch’s article ‘The NSU Case in Germany – as at July 3rd, 2018’.

• In the US, A.C. Thompson and Ali Winston write that There likely isn’t such a thing as a “typical” violent white extremist in America in 2018. Still, Michael Miselis — a University of California, Los Angeles doctoral student with a U.S. government security clearance to work on sensitive research for a prominent defense contractor — makes for a pretty unusual case … (He Is a Member of a Violent White Supremacist Group. So Why Is He Working for a Defense Contractor With a Security Clearance?, ProPublica, July 5, 2018).

Whether this proposition is true or not, the case of Miselis naturally brought to mind the case of Nicole ‘BlueEyedBlonde’ Hanley, the Canberra-based neo-Nazi who worked for Thales, the French corporation. See : Nicole Hanley : For Blood & Honour (April 6, 2009).

In Portland, June 30 witnessed bloody clashes between fascists (including many Proud Boys gathered under the umbrella of ‘Patriot Prayer’) and anti-fascists. See : Riot in Portland as far-right marchers clash with anti-fascists, Jason Wilson, The Guardian, July 1, 2018 & Portland Holds It Down against Fascists and Police: The Clashes of June 30, 2018, CrimethInc, July 1, 2018. See also : Rose City Antifa.

Obviously under some pressure from anTEEfa and worried about protecting the AltRight, neo-Nazis and white supremacists, US Republicans have introduced legislation — viz, the ‘Unmasking Antifa Bill’ — intended to further criminalise the movement. See : Republican Congressmen Are Pushing Anti-Antifa Bill, Kelly Weill, The Daily Beast, July 7, 2018.

Washington, meanwhile, is gearing up for ‘Unite The Reich 2.0’, as Jason Kessler continues on his merry racist way. See : A Year Later, the Fascists of Charlottesville Are Back for More — This Time Outside the White House, Natasha Lennard, The Intercept, July 3, 2018.

Otherwise, diminutive nipster Andrew Anglin’s webshite The Daily Stormer is experiencing some further technical difficulties as Pepe disappears from the scene (Neo-Nazi Site Daily Stormer Takes Down Pepe Images After Getting Copyright Claims From Its Creator, Matthew Gault, VICE, July 11, 2018), while Shane Burley takes note of the American far-right’s latest attempts to consolidate their international linkages (The US White Nationalist Movement Is Attempting to Build International Allies, truthout, July 9, 2018), and Ari Paul has some observations about Resisting White Nationalism (Souciant, July 11, 2018).


In Russia, Putin’s gangsta state has been kept busy repressing anti-fascists (Anti-fascist teenager reveals how Russian security services brutally beat and tortured him, OVD-Info, opendemocracy, June 23, 2018), but has thus far failed to completely exterminate the movement, including on the terraces (see : Meet the football ultras ‘all of Russia hates’, Mariya Petkova, Al Jazeera, July 12, 2018).

In the UK, Ayoola Solarin explores Fighting Fascism at the UK’s Feminist Antifa Martial Arts Gym (VICE, July 10, 2018), and July 25 is, of course, the (Fourth Annual) International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners.

See also : The Untold Story of Syria’s Antifa Platoon, Seth Harp, Rolling Stone, July 10, 2018 (‘How a ragtag crew of leftist revolutionaries and soldiers of fortune helped defeat ISIS’).

Neil Erikson ~versus~ Law & Order

UPDATE (July 4, 2018) : Erikson has been charged under the CRIMES ACT 1900 – SECT 56, viz, ‘Obstructing member of the clergy in discharge of his or her duties’. If found guilty, Erikson ‘shall be liable to imprisonment for two years’. The charge has been laid in response to when Erikson and his d*ckhead mates invaded a church service in Gosford (scaring the wits outta some old folks) back in May. According to Erikson, Rino ‘Bluebeard’ Grgurovic has also been charged with the same offence; it remains unclear if the other brave ANZACs who took part in the action — Paul Exley, Danny Peanna/Parkinson, and Lachlan/Logan Spalding — have also been charged.

No jail for Melb man for racist calls, SBS, February 12, 2014:

A man has avoided jail for abusing a Melbourne rabbi in a series of racially-motivated phone calls he tried to explain as a prank.

Neil Luke Erikson, 29, phoned Rabbi Dovid Gutnick of Melbourne City Synagogue on three occasions, telling him “Give me the money Jew or else I will get you” and abusing him for his faith.

He also spoke of circumcisions, blood money and Jewish sidelocks and told Rabbi Gutnick he knew his location and was coming to get him.

Magistrate Donna Bakos said she had no doubt Erikson’s calls were motivated by prejudice and found he had little remorse for his crime.

But she ignored prosecution pleas to jail Erikson, sentencing him instead to psychological assessment and treatment in the community.

“There is no other explanation except that they were motivated by prejudice, if not hatred, toward the victim because of his race,” she told Erikson …

Convicted racist and stalker Neil Erikson — who attended the True Blue Crew flagwit parade on Sunday — had a mention hearing in Melbourne Magistrates’ Court today, accused of breaching a personal safety intervention order.

Erikson argued that he wasn’t subject to the order.

Unfortunately for him, the magistrate disagreed, and said there was sufficient evidence for a conviction relating to the order, stating he would face a fine if he entered a plea of guilty then and there, or would likely face imprisonment if he entered a not guilty plea and went to trial.

Undeterred, Erikson entered a not guilty plea, and faces trial on November 20, 2018.

The Personal Safety Intervention Orders Act 2010, section 100, sets the maximum penalty for breaching an IVO as two years imprisonment.

Erikson was unrepresented at the hearing, and has given no indication he will seek legal representation.

Erikson is due back at Melbourne Magistrates’ Court again on Friday, July 6 for a mentions hearing arising from charges stemming from the MILO stoopid of December last year. His fascist comrades Garry Mattson (Soldiers of Odin), Ricky/Rikki Turner (28, Sunbury), Garry Hume (48, Eltham) and Richard Whelan (33, Surrey Hills) also face charges.

Erikson has been to court quite a few times of late, and is also due in Korumburra Magistrates’ Court on other matters on August 30.

Previously, Erikson attended court on the following dates:

29 May – Directions, Toll (no appearance, order for summary judgement)
15 May – Directions, Toll (ordered to seek pro bono barrister)
14 May – Contempt hearing, Toll (guilty $10,000)
(9 directions hearings RE: Toll between 7 December, 2017 and 11 May, 2018)
4-5 September – Contest, Bendigo CIU (guilty, $2000)

• In total, then, Erikson has been to court, or been called up, at least 17 times in the last 12 months. This rivals the number of Facebook groups/projects and blogs Erikson has cycled through over the last few years, which list includes (but is not limited to): Cooks Convicts, Patriot Blue, Nationalist Uprising, Australian Settlers Rebellion, Aussie Patriot Army, Ban Islam Party, European Australian Civil Rights League, Generation Identity Australia, Nationalist Republican Guard, Neil Erikson Media, NRG Media, OzConspiracy, Pauline Hanson’s Guardian Angels, Reclaim Australia, United Patriots Front, and United Patriots Front — Originals.
• The Federal Court has just released open documents software to the public, which was previously only available to court staff. For that reason, it’s possible to examine the Toll saga — AKA TOLL TRANSPORT PTY LIMITED & ORS v NEIL LUKE ERIKSON — in all its glory here.
• Considering that a breach of an IVO falls into the category of contempt (ie, ignoring a court order), it seems very possible that Erikson will be jailed come November: a documented history of ignoring court orders, particularly during the current year, is unlikely to endear him to the courts.