TOTW: What are your anarchist goals for 2019?

  • Posted on: 6 January 2019
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Anarchists are not ones to set goals. No Gods, No Masters, No way to get there! amirite? But what if we did? Would it look like trying to populate New Hampshire (like the Libertarians have tried), or would it look like invading by numbers a more mainstream group like the NRA, AA, or whatever influencing a different direction and/or set of priorities. Should our goal look like a big street party or a TAZ?

What ever happened to the Church of Anarchy?

  • Posted on: 10 January 2019
  • By: thecollective

At the edge of the intersection of County Highway A and Highway D near Viroqua, the old West Lima Post Office rises up like a wooden giant. It’s the home and headquarters of someone who has lived on the edges for most of his 61 years: Madison expat, poet, performer, publisher, permaculturalist and anarchist mIEKAL aND. He shares the space, built in 1880, with two parrots, Dizzy Bird and Presley, a cat named Baroness Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven (after the late German Dadaist), and a foot-long koi fish who has no name, “but talks a lot.”

Error451 #14: Leap Encryption Access Project on VPNs & Psuedonymity

  • Posted on: 9 January 2019
  • By: thecollective

From The Final Straw Radio

Leap Encryption Access Project

This week, we’d like to share a conversation had a little bit ago with Kali Kaneko, from LEAP. Leap Encryption Access Project, like pEp featured in our prior Error451 interview, is an open-source project meant to ease… access to encryption (and it’s a project). At a point in the past, LEAP had an interest in shifting paradigm of email but is now focusing mainly on distribution, upkeep, and improvement of it’s VPN service, Bitmask. Bitmask is partnering with Riseup Black and Calyx (and hopefully other trustworthy projects) to expand access to free, psuedonymized web traffic with ease.

Anarchy Radio 01-08-2019

  • Posted on: 8 January 2019
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)


Kathan co-hosts. French uprising resumes, deepens. Outreach discussion; anti-civ needs to break out of current anarchist bubble. Cascadia Alive! TV shows 1996-2005 at U of Oregon archives. Monarch butterfly almost extinct. Industrial disaster of the week, mass shooting of the week. Whiteaker Tales event Jan. 19. Action news, 3 calls.

Fire Ant: Anarchist Prisoner Solidarity

  • Posted on: 8 January 2019
  • By: thecollective

From Bloomington ABC

Fire Ant is a new publication focused on spreading the words of anarchist prisoners and generating material solidarity for our imprisoned friends. Begun as a collaboration between anarchist prisoners and anarchists in Maine, Fire Ant seeks to raise material aid for anarchist prisoners while fostering communication between anarchists on both sides of the walls.

Life Finds a Way; First Manifesto from the Vitalist International

  • Posted on: 8 January 2019
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From Commune magazine by The Vitalist International (Atlanta Faction)

Since the era of revolutions opened over two centuries ago, no greater slogan has emerged than the simple dictum uttered in the fight against the Dakota Access Pipeline: Mni Wiconi – Water is Life. It would be perfectly natural, then, if the next revolutionary slogan were more direct. In a kind of advanced concision, it would unleash an even greater and less mediated potential: life.
