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Now More Than Ever The World Needs The School of Authentic Journalism

It is a time of deep social conflict in the United States, Mexico, and throughout much of the world.  Amid this conflict, The School of Authentic Journalism provides an effective laboratory where we study and teach how to communicate the objectives and stories of social movements that seek to transform the world, and our view of it, for the better. Our work is to tell stories - and help others tell their own stories - in ways that make movements stronger, more effective and victorious. But only with your support will the 2017 school be possible, and you can do so here. 

Mercedes Osuna teaches "Safety In Conflict Zones," one of the most popular and important sessions at the school.
Mercedes Osuna teaches "Safety In Conflict Zones," one of the most popular and important sessions at the school.

We have no endowment and our only financial support comes from readers and supporters to a nonprofit organization, The Fund for Authentic Journalism. We are a team of united individuals who share our ideas, knowledge, and our own time to train journalists to cover and support the struggles our world so desperately needs. 

Each year, the School of Authentic Journalism invites between 40 and 80 talented journalists and organizers to learn a unique form of struggle based on strategic media skills and nonviolent civil resistance. $30,000 is the minimum it costs to make a Spanish language session happen. However, if we raise $70,000, we'll be able to host a longer bilingual school in 2017 for English speakers too.

WikiLeaks' Julian Assange Is Accused of Endangering Whistleblowers

An attorney representing bank whistleblower Rudolf Elmer claims Assange threw his client ‘under the bus for the benefit of his own ego

Trump-Insider Manafort’s Alleged Money-Laundering Scheme Appears To Have Kremlin Roots

Moscow-linked Ukrainian billionaire accused of funneling money to Manafort

The criminal indictment filed in late October alleging Paul Manafort engaged in a labyrinth money-laundering scheme involving the washing of at least $18 million, at first glance, appears unconnected to any Kremlin-related activity.

Trump Asserts First Amendment Rights in Lawsuit Alleging He Incited Violence

At the same time, he seeks to muzzle the free-speech rights of the press

President Donald Trump made headlines during his campaign for the presidency, and since taking office, by attacking and even threatening the media — and by extension the First Amendment protections afforded the press. Those attacks typically follow media stories that are critical of Trump or otherwise paint his administration in a bad light.

Former Anti-Drug Agents: Pardoned Arizona Ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio Harassed Black and Hispanic Law Enforcers at the DEA

Interviewed by Narco News, Arpaio threatened to sue the agents — and the online newspaper

President Donald Trump’s recent pardon of controversial ex-Sheriff Joseph Arpaio has prompted a group of former DEA agents to come forward with allegations that Arpaio engaged in a pattern of racist and discriminatory behavior during his 25-year career at the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.

Kremlin’s Quid Pro Quo Deal With Trump Camp Comes Into Focus

Pact Appears to Implicate an Unlikely Alliance Involving the Russian Arms Business, a Hollywood Actor and the NRA

It’s a good bet most people haven’t heard of Russian billionaire Igor Kesaev, even though he is on Forbes magazine’s list of the world’s richest people.

Trump’s Business Venture in the Dominican Republic Could Become a Strangling Alliance

The US president’s business partners in the Caribbean nation are linked to a Venezuelan tycoon who is allegedly the target of a major US investigation

President Donald Trump is involved in a major real estate project in the Dominican Republic that also has drawn in a billionaire Venezuelan banker whose business dealings are allegedly the target of a Department of Justice investigation.

Vice President Pence Has Cause to Support Trump’s Kremlin-Friendly Agenda

Two of his biggest Indiana corporate backers have significant business interests in Russia

The ongoing congressional and FBI investigations into the Trump administration’s entangling alliances with the Kremlin have so far left Vice President Mike Pence on the sidelines.

Pence claims to be clueless about key moments in the still-unfolding scandal.

White House Grounds Breached After Secret Service Froze Officers’ Pay, Leaked Email Reveals

Intruder jumped multiple fences before being apprehended near a White House entrance

Por un periodismo trascendente que otorga prioridad a la narrativa social

By Argelia Valles Ramos


For a Transcendent Journalism That Gives Priority To Social Narrative

By Argelia Valles Ramos 

We Need Your Contribution To Keep The Heart Of The School Beating

By Maria Inés Taracena

School of Authentic Journalism, Generation 2016 

Necesitamos tu contribución para que el corazón de la Escuela siga latiendo

Por Maria Inés Taracena

Escuela de Periodismo Auténtico, Generación 2016

Me topé con la Escuela de Periodismo Auténtico durante una época extraña de mi vida. El principio del 2016 fue interesante—una mezcla de frustración y melancolía al sentirme perdida en mi vida laboral y, por consiguiente, en mi vida personal. Para ese entonces ya había trabajado en el gremio periodístico durante casi cuatro años. Empecé ese camino con mucha ilusión y energía.

Una escuela para personas que creen que el mundo puede ir mejor

Por Memo Bautista 

Hace un año una amiga me envió por Facebook una convocatoria para ingresar a la Escuela de Periodismo Auténtico. Hasta ese momento no conocía nada acerca de ese lugar, así que investigué un poco y llamó mi atención que podía recibir un taller sobre cómo cubrir movimientos sociales. Además no tendría costo porque los alumnos son becados.

A School For People That Believe The World Can Get Better

By Memo Bautista
A year ago, a friend sent me via Facebook a call for applications to the School of Authentic Journalism. Before then, I knew nothing about it. I did some research and it caught my attention that I could receive a course on how to cover social movements. And also, it would not cost anything because all students are granted a scholarship.

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