
To contribute translations, editing-corrections and/or original material for publication, such as updates from the streets, reportbacks from actions, responsibility claims, texts of imprisoned or persecuted comrades, calls, brochures, opinion articles, etc.: contrainfo(at)


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Smoke Signals – A conversation in the aftermath of G20 in Hamburg

received 2018/08/06

First appeared as „Ein Gespräch mit einigen Militanten über die informelle Koordinierung im Vorfeld der G20“ in Rauchzeichen, a magazine published by Autonomous Groups, Fall 2017 and now first published in English on . This is late, but not too late. We can use this conversation to prepare something for the […]

Hamburg, Germany: Attack on russian visacenter

received 6 / 24 /18

Unknown persons destroyed the windows of the russian visacenter in Kanalstr. 14a, Hamburg, the night of the 22.06. Also “FUCK FIFA!”, “FIGHT REPRESSION!” and”(A)” was spraypainted on the fassade.

Since autumn 2017 there are repressive attacks against anarchists in different russian cities, in Belarus and in the Crimea. With torture, […]

In solidarity with G20-prisoner Peike [flyer]

Printable versions of the front and  back

in Portuguese l German

Nijmegen, The Netherlands: Info-session on G20 prisoner Peike

Saturday / february the 17th / 15:30

Info-talk on the case of Peike from Amsterdam, currently standing trial in Hamburg for alleged participation in the G20 riots last summer.

He has been convicted to 2 years and 7 months imprisonment, but on the 9th of february his higher appeal started. On the 16th of february is […]

[Germany] Text about the wave of repression in connection with the resistance against the G20 summit in Hamburg

Spontaneous protest against repression in the streets of many German cities after police raids in early December 2017 (in Kiel, about 70 participated in the protests)

Summary for our internationalist comrades G20-Repression Prisoners * Conditions in the prison * Trials * Video- and Photo publications * House raids

The G20 summit and the euphoric […]

The Hague, The Netherlands: Burn all prisons – Solidarity graffiti with anarchist prisoners Lisa and Peike

Last weekend, we have put up an solidarity graffiti of eighty meters long opposite the police headquarters and training center of The Hague, the Netherlands with the text: Burn all prisons.

The graffiti is in solidarity with Lisa and Peike who are both in German prisons. Lisa is imprisoned for seven and a half years because […]

Amsterdam: Spontaneous demonstration in solidarity with G20 prisoners

Received 10-01-2017

Yesterday (30-9-2017) a manifestation took place in Amsterdam in solidarity with comrades who are momentarily in prison after the G20 protests in Hamburg (Germany) this July. After the manifestation a spontaneous demonstration started through the inner city of Amsterdam.

100 people took part in the manifestation in solidarity with G20 prisoners. There were speeches and […]

Hamburg: Upcoming trial of imprisoned anarchist Riccardo (G20)

received 09-23-2017

The trial that will see Riccardo accused will be held on 5 October at 9.00 at the court of Altona – Hamburg (Max Bauer Allee 91.) It will be open but we donot yet know whether the judgment will be on the same day or will slip to another date. It depends on the […]

G20. Updates on trial against Riccardo

received 9/15/17

The date of the hearing against Riccardo, an anarchist charged with criminal offences relating to riot days against G20 in Hamburg in July, is set. It will be held on 5 October at the Court of Hamburg. We call on everyone to take part in solidarity presence, organised for that day, in […]

International Solidarity Fund for imprisoned comrade in Hamburg

The Vrije Bond from Amsterdam, has started an own initative of solidarity, to support the comrade, sentenced to 2 years an 7 months in Hamburg for having participated in the protest against the G20 summit in July.

Money is desperately needed and could be transferred to the following bank account:


Warsaw, Poland: Solidarity with G20 pisoners in Hamburg

Pictures from solidemo with activists imprisoned in Hamburg.The demonstration was on Monday 07.08.2017 in Warsaw in the front of German embassy.

in German


Hamburg: Solidarity with G20-Prisoners

received on 05.08.17

On the website “Linksunten”, one can find a anonymous note that a car of a private security company  called “Personen-Objekt-Werkschutz GmbH” has been set on fire in the night of the 3rd of August.

Whoever posted this, whoever committed this act, didn`t have too much to say about this action, and this […]

G20 in Hamburg: These were days of revolt

During the days of the summit of the G20, thousands of people flooded the streets of Hamburg with their anger about the cops` violence and the world that they protect. Already during the week before, there was no uncertainty around the cops’ will to confront every sign of protest or resistance with zero tolerance. During […]

G20 Hamburg: Freedom for Fabio and Maria!

During a demonstration on Friday 7 July, with the aim of blocking a road on the occasion of the G20 summit, two young people (Fabio 18 and Maria 23) from the Italian city of Feltre (Veneto region) were taken into custody. They tried to help a young woman who have been injured by the police. […]

[After G20 in Hamburg] Solidarity call

In a time of open hunt against anti-G20 protesters by the cops, the media and “the public” (including demands for a lynch law circulating on the internet), it is essential to remember those who were injured during protests against the G20 summit in Hamburg and the dozens who are still under investigation and caged by […]

Germany: Message from imprisoned comrade Thomas Meyer-Falk to the protesters against the Hamburg G20 summit

For a society without prisons!

Solidarity and affectionate greetings from prison! When the representatives of the G20 nations meet in Hamburg, the elite of the prison companies, which are represented by Merkel, Trump, Putin and Erdogan, will also meet.

Now, at this moment, many tens of thousands of prisoners in Germany, France, UK and […]

Hamburg: Plan of action for the international anticapitalist demonstration- Welcome to hell

Goal of the demonstration

With a large international anticapitalist demonstration we would like to offer the many people who are coming to the protests against the G20 summit to Hamburg a platform for our varied and fundamental criticism of the ruling circumstances on the eve of the direct actions against the infrastructure of the […]

Hamburg: Anarchical action week ahead of G20 from 28.06.-04.07.2017

Books * Education * Barricades /Anarchical action week ahead of G20 from 28.06.-04.07.2017

The Call

To be against figures of fun like Donald Trump, the manic Retro-Sultan Erdogan and bulging muscle dude Putin is quite easy. In gratifying the world almost daily with unexpected neologism and fake news fantasy or strange […]

International Days of Action: G20 Hamburg 2017

International anti-capitalist demonstration against G20 summit:

G20 Welcome to hell.

Thursday, 6 July 2017 4 p.m., St. Pauli Fischmarkt, Hamburg

When the heads of government of the world’s 20 most powerful countries are arriving on 6 July and the assembled world media are waiting for news from the crisis zone around Hamburg’s exhibition halls, we’ll […]

[Hamburg] G20-Streetmedics/First-Aid-Groups

Hello, we like to use the chance to introduce us. We will coordinate autonomously acting first-aid groups during the conference days of the G20 in Hamburg. There will be a telefon number you can call if you need non-bureaucratic help or information about, how you can help (yourself) in case of injuries.

We are part of […]

Hamburg, Germany: Solidarity with the worker of AGR-Clarin (Argentina)

After employees of the printing of AGR-Clarin newspaper were layoffed, the workspace is occupied for more than two month and the employees are on strike. The demand is to revoke the layoffs. At the moment the employer tries to break the strike by printing the Sunday edition of the newspaper in Chile. The strike and […]

Germany: Anarchist call against the G20 summit in Hamburg

On the 7th and 8th of July 2017, when the most successful war criminals of the present, the most unscrupulous sweaters of human and nature, the self-titled leaders of this planet, meet in Hamburg, they will not be confronted and thus be revaluated with some demands for better governance or social enslavement.

They will […]

[Athens Polytechnic, December 10th] Discussion with comrades from Berlin

From the struggle at Rigaer Strasse (Berlin) to the mobilizations against the G20 (Hamburg)

This summer Berlin was the center of a showdown between the police and the remaining parts of what once was a squatting movement. The reason behind was the attempted eviction of the squatted parts of the housing project Rigaer94. Rigaer94 is located […]

Amsterdam: Oct. 29th, Infonight Housing for all//Cologne + KoZe//Hamburg

At the end of October, two collectives from Cologne and Hamburg will be in Amsterdam in order to exchange ideas and experiences about the local struggles for housing and the establishment of solidary structures in our cities and beyond its limits.

Koze is the ‘Collective Center/Kollektives Zentrum’ in Hamburg, that was founded through a squatting action […]

Hamburg: Cash machines sabotaged in solidarity with the anarchists accused in Aachen cases

During the night of September 1st 2016, we sabotaged several ATMs in Hamburg to show solidarity with our comrades.

The extradition hearing of a comrade, who’s prosecuted by the German State for a bank robbery in Aachen, took place in Holland on September 1st.

Our solidarity goes out not only to her but also to the other […]